Better late than never, I always say. I guess that’s what P&G believes, too, because our yearend party finally came into fruition, though a couple of months delayed. The stage was set in Bar 826 near Greenbelt. The date to begin at 3pm on Friday. A couple of contests were set. The first one was “Clashdance,” a dance contests for males. Two of my berks were part of this, with Doms being with the “Get Groovers” and Drew with the “Clashmates.” The second one was “Simply Irresistible,” a beauty contest. My batchmate Dina and departmentmate Melai participated. In the end, The champs were the “Get Groovers” and “Tiger Lily” (Melai).
After dinner and a few seconds of dancing, I made my way over to Greenbelt 1, to meet former officemates Boss Ed, Mhiles and Reylyn in Starbucks. Turns out Reylyn has already tendered her resignation and is transferring to a Cavite-based Asian company as a Sox auditor. Congrats, girl!
But my night wasn’t over just yet. After Greenbelt I asked the taxi driver to bring me to The Fort, where the P&G gang were hanging out in our hangout ( redundant!), Cucina. The place was just about to close up so we transferred to Starbucks nearby. By then I had had enough of Starbucks, so I bought strawberries and mangoes in ice from Ice Monster instead. Then Doms brought us all home.