As twilight nudges day
and makes a crimson puzzle out of the city
I feel not the chill of the biting wind
and ignore the dance of the coruscating gems below.
His solitary figure arrests my gaze.
Within my chest, a stirring –
It is my heart, whispering,
Longing to erase
the tincture of sadness upon his countenance.
My arms stretch to give a comforting embrace
Almost, but don’t quite reach him.
Within my head, a stirring –
It is my brain, whispering,
Pulling my arms back.
He is no longer mine to comfort.
“You are forever responsible for the ones you tame.”
-The Little Prince
**My shot at poetry back in College. I think I’m better at prose.
aba… 🙂
i waas rummaging through old stuff under my bed and found my copy of Marejada 2003..kaya ayan. ;p