We hometown friends decided to have our Christmas party at Chi and AA’s beautiful flat last Sunday. It was early because certain people (and by “people” I actually mean just one person) are going home on the 10th. We got our secret santas online and brought pot luck food. Our house volunteered to bring spaghetti and pork barbeque. The spaghetti sauce I made was too watery and the pasta too soggy but the barbeque was perfectly delicious, as always. AA cooked buttered shrimps, Tyne made her famous dip, Brian bought two delectable ice cream log cakes from Swensens, and Mark, who happens to be a chef, made the clear winner of the night – humba. An overflow of delicious “real” food – “lasang ZC,” as Chi put it.
I asked everyone to wear santa hats. Brian brought along his DSLR camera which he mounted on a tripod and triggered with a remote control, resulting in lots and lots of cool candid shots. Thus I reserved my point-and-shoot to take videos for our music video and the impromptu dance contest. Right before eating, we gave Ervyn and Tyne a couple of log cakes from Gelle and sang them a happy birthday and they blew the candles. When Joey arrived from work, we exchanged gifts and I got a purple bedsheet from Monet. Finally I can cover my bed with a real bedsheet (currently I’m just using my comforter).
Thank goodness for online tools like Facebook and SecretSanta.com for making my job as organizer a lot easier. And thanks to iMovie for making it easy to edit those videos. It was really really fun! Like I once told someone, how can you possibly survive without friends? I sure am glad I have plenty. 🙂
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