Are you familiar with the First World Problems meme? They are frustrations and complaints that are only experienced by privileged individuals in first world countries. It is typically used as a tongue-in-cheek comedic device to make light of trivial inconveniences.

via Know Your Meme
Well I guess blogger problems are sort of like these, aren’t they? So let’s get to my so-called “problems,” shall we?
(1) Writing about food on my blog makes me hungry.
(2) I’m at a really great restaurant with the big bosses from work and I really want to take pictures of everything, but I can’t because I don’t want them to judge me. #dyinginside
(3) I really need to get some sleep, but I have to write a blog post for a sponsor or link-up or [insert other weird reason here].
(4) My own blog is giving me wanderlust. Help.
(5)Â OMG this months-old post has a typo or has wrong grammar! How could I have missed that? I need to change that right now!
(6) My most recent post has very few page views. I am irrelevant! Nobody likes me! [sobs]
(7) I’m at an important event or phenomenal place but I forgot to bring my camera and my cellphone is dying, so I can’t take photos. #cryinginside
(8) I really want to post about my travel ASAP, but I’m too lazy to go through hundreds of photos, choose the best 20 or less, edit them, upload them, and write an accompanying story.
(9) I really want to switch to WordPress but it costs a lot more than staying on Blogger! Wait, I think can do it if I skip meals or sell my liver or something.
(10) My friends are already halfway done with their meals and I haven’t even started on mine because I took too much time taking pictures of it.
(11) I can’t believe I wrote this! What the hell was I thinking?!? [Hits delete]
(12) When new acquaintances ask, “So, what are your hobbies?” I want to reply, “Blogging!” but instead I say, “Reading and watching movies, how about you?” because I don’t want them to judge me. #screaminginside
(13) Yay, I got invited to a blogger event! Oh no, I have work at that time and can’t go! [sobs]
(14) “Hello, 911? I have an emergency! I tweaked something on my WordPress blog template and accidentally broke everything. HOW DO I FIX IT?!?“
(15) I’m trying to come up with a list for my blog post, but my number of items is a weird number, so I need to come up with more to round it up, but it’s so hard to think of anything else to add! Like right now, for example? Aha… I have an idea! (See what I did there?)
What are your blogger problems? Bailie and I would love to read about them! Grab the code below the picture and link up below!

Oh, #3 and #5. I’m staying up right now to write a post! And I just want to sleep haha. And when I see typos from past posts, I always wonder why no one told me. I’d LOVE it if people pointed them out, because it’s embarrassing as hell to finally notice them years later.
I hate when I number something and it does not come out to an even number too!
All of these, just ALL of these!
OMG, finding grammar mistakes on past posts is AWFUL! So much so, that if I absolutely have to go back to an earlier post, I try not to read it too carefully. Haha! And I too have dreamed of switching from Blogger to WordPress, but I’m scared of having to learn something new. I need to get someone who knows all about HTML to come live at my house, so I can call upon them whenever I need something changed. Haha! Thanks for co-hosting the link up! 😀
#5…yup, I’ve been there. I don’t worry about the number of views anymore, but when I first started blogging and had no followers, yes, I’d tear up. 😛
And blogging is the best hobby! 😀
Write with Fey
Holla on the first world problems – it’s so true…!
(Seconded on all those points though!)
I laughed at many of these as they were so funny. And yet some of them apply to me!! I am travelling through on the A to Z road trip. Have fun!
I laughed at many of these as they were so funny. And yet some of them apply to me!! I am travelling through on the A to Z road trip. Have fun!
My biggest blogger problem is when I don’t do anything blog-worthy for a while.
That, and I STILL don’t have any white surfaces on which to take photos of cool stuff (even after your tip about white cardboard!!)
I hate when I number something and it does not come out to an even number too!
OMG, finding grammar mistakes on past posts is AWFUL! So much so, that if I absolutely have to go back to an earlier post, I try not to read it too carefully. Haha! And I too have dreamed of switching from Blogger to WordPress, but I’m scared of having to learn something new. I need to get someone who knows all about HTML to come live at my house, so I can call upon them whenever I need something changed. Haha! Thanks for co-hosting the link up! 😀
All of these, just ALL of these!
My biggest blogger problem is when I don’t do anything blog-worthy for a while.
That, and I STILL don’t have any white surfaces on which to take photos of cool stuff (even after your tip about white cardboard!!)
#5…yup, I’ve been there. I don’t worry about the number of views anymore, but when I first started blogging and had no followers, yes, I’d tear up. 😛
And blogging is the best hobby! 😀
Write with Fey
Oh, #3 and #5. I’m staying up right now to write a post! And I just want to sleep haha. And when I see typos from past posts, I always wonder why no one told me. I’d LOVE it if people pointed them out, because it’s embarrassing as hell to finally notice them years later.
Holla on the first world problems – it’s so true…!
(Seconded on all those points though!)