When SC & TM go to Spain, their goal is to find a Spanish man for SC.
“It should be a rich guy who can provide for her,” TM commented.
“Then don’t go for a guy with flashy branded stuff and tacky gold jewelry,” I advised. “Those kinds of men are HENRY.”
“HENRY – High Earning, Not Rich Yet.”
They laughed.
“Look at his wristwatch instead,” I continued. “That’s usually where rich men splurge.”
“But then again, it could be fake,” I realized. “How do you determine that?”
“Simple,” TM replied. “I’ll just ask him, excuse me, is that fake?”
“Suuure,” I said. “I have a better idea! Why don’t you pretend to be a policeman and arrest him for wearing a fake watch? Then he has to present a receipt to prove it’s a real watch and that’s how you’ll know!”
“How weird is it that a Spanish policeman is an Asian?” SC choked out. She was laughing so hard, she was in near tears.
“An Asian who can’t even speak perfect Spanish!” TM added.
“So you’ll say you’re an undercover cop!” I jumped in. “And what’s more undercover than an Asian cop in Spain? And your Spanish is bad so that even if you’re under duress, you still wouldn’t be able to speak fluently!”
I know. We have a fertile imagination.
P.S. Please note that this is all a joke. We are not really gold diggers and swindlers, okay?
All stickers are from Dayre app.
Lol, you are hilarious!!
Lol, you are hilarious!!