A few weeks ago, my friend Chi got a poodle as a birthday present from her husband.
“What should I name him?” She asked. “My husband suggests Sherlock. Or Van Gogh.”
“Why Van Gogh?” I asked.
“I don’t know!” She replied. “Peanut? Latte? Macchiatto?”
“Ramen?” I suggested. “Because of the curly hair? Or Justin Timberlake!”
“Isaw!” Her sister AA joked. Isaw is intestines in Tagalog.
In the end, she decided to name him Coffee.
She was surprised that she would feel this much love for a pet – like he was her baby.
So if she was a doggy mom, of course her sisters were doggy aunts. She told them as much.
“OMG Bin, your nephew is a dog!” I laughingly teased her youngest sister, who happens to be my flatmate.
This all backfired the day that Chi told me: “You are Coffee’s godmother, okay?”
I told my teammate GH about this funny turn of events the next day.
“So you have a goddog,” he remarked. “Goddog is spelled the same backwards – like taco cat.”
I don’t mind, though. I think it’s funny and I love dogs! Plus Coffee is such a cutie pie! Even though sometimes he does funny things like bark ferociously at a roll of Berocca vitamins as if it was such a huge threat.
What did that Berocca ever do to you, Coffee?
By the way I am not Coffee’s only godmother – Gelle and a few other friends of Chi are, too.
This week, Chi brought him and their other dog Renzo to Starbucks. I told her to ask if they had puppuccinos there.
Puppuccinos belong on the secret menu – they are espresso cups filled with whipped cream. They are free in US, I believe – all you have to do is show your dog. But in Manila, they’re worth P20. Still worth it!
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