At work, we have an annual office funniest videos contest which our MD asks me and my teammate to organize.
We’re allowed to participate as well, so our team’s fertile minds came up with two videos which won second (S$750) and fourth (S$250) prize, which was announced during the townhall last Feb 18.
You can watch the videos below.
Second Prize Winner:
Fourth Prize Winner:
In other office-related topics, our team switched seats last Tuesday. Evelyn was promoted, so she now has an office, and we were transferred near that. We love our new desks because they’re bigger than the usual desks. We don’t know if we can get used to using the old small desks again, so we hope we don’t have to shift again ever. They’re also closer to the pantry and toilet, so win-win!
Our New York based boss Sandra was in town, so on the Sunday night before her flight back, we brought her to a rooftop bar called Southbridge at Bar Quay.
It has a gorgeous almost 360 degrees view overlooking the Singapore river and has a nice chill vibe that’s perfect for conversations.
Their menu only consists of bar bites and drinks. I like their hot oysters and watermelon margarita.
I was disappointed that something called “bikini” on the menu just turned out to be grilled cheese sandwiches. 😒
We had so much fun chatting that we lost track of time. Luckily, GH is a good driver and made it to the airport in time for Sandra’s flight. 😅
P.S. I’ve uploaded our previous year videos as well! You can watch them below.
2016 compilation of all video entries:
2017 second prize winner:
2017 fourth prize winner:
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