Today’s date is a palindrome – 22022022. How cool!
But I’m not here to just talk about that, but the cold. Unlike Elsa, the cold does bother me.
I just found out from Twitter that we have now is called the cold snap.

Yesterday it was 7 degrees but felt like 1 degree – according to the weather app – and all I have is a tiny space heater, so I wore my Zara down puffer jacket over layers of Uniqlo heatech, a sweater, pants, wool socks and cashmere scarf while indoors.

Even my poor cat – who is usually hot and I like to use as a hand warmer on other days – is cool to the touch. He doesn’t seem to be bothered by the cold, though, and freaks out when I try to put a blanket on him. Luckily he does like being hugged – he usually purrs whenever I do – so at least we can keep each other warm!

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