We girls were watching “Interview with the Vampire” on my laptop in our living room when Maya’s voice came from outside the window asking us to open the door. I opened it after her persistent knockings. But instead of her, who should come in but Johann, our college batchmate, the one we hadn’t seen since […]
How We Found Our Home Sweet Home in Makati
“There’s no place like home,” says Dorothy of Oz. How right she is. When Gay, Zenie and I first came to Makati, we stayed in the Dursleys’ boarding house. No, they weren’t really the Dursleys, that was just what we called them because living in their abode was very much like how Harry Potter must’ve […]
It’s midnight, and I’m wearing a spaghetti-strapped top and boxer shorts with the electric fan turned up high. But I’m tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep, as the sweat trickles down my neck. Agh! It’s so WARM!! It’s summer indeed. There are signs everywhere – halo-halo being sold on every stoop, brightly-colored bikinis […]
We saw ASAP Fanatic live in Glorietta last Sunday. My feet were killing me coz we were standing up, and part of me was wondering if all this pain was worth it just to see Lucky, Bea, John Lloyd, Heart, Shaina, Roxanne, Joross, Hero and other SCQ stars. Really, I mused, what’s the big deal […]
Wayward Wallet
I woke up late this morning and managed to get showered and changed and ready to go in half the time it usually takes me. My boss’s voice was booming in my head. I cannot possibly be late! So I hailed a taxi to get to the office faster. After a few minutes of traffic […]
Ambition Should Be Made of Sterner Stuff
If you’ll look at my elementary yearbook, you’ll read that as a kid, my ambition was to be a doctor. That was a lie. My real ambition was to be a journalist. That was what I wrote, but when I submitted that to my moderator, he gave it back to me and asked me to […]
About a month ago, due to a work related issue, I wasn’t able to keep tears from spilling onto my cheeks while I rode a passenger jeepney home. I kept my face turned outside, so that the other passengers wouldn’t see. I did not expect, however, that the driver of the Fed Ex truck behind […]
My friend Fli once told me that I must clairvoyant. Sometimes I wonder if she’s right. When I was a College freshman, a friend of mine invited me to their town. I said, “I’ll go if I have the money for the fare.” A couple of minutes later, I stepped on something infront of the […]
Maturity is a Boring State of Mind
When I was in High School, I dreaded graduation. I thought College life would be a drag and I actually wished I’d die right after graduation day so that I wouldn’t have to go through all that misery. Morbid, huh? Turns out I was wrong. I had even more fun in College than I did […]