Gay is busy screaming her tonsils out while she and Chu and Junjun are watching a horror movie on somebody’s laptop in the living room. And it doesn’t help that Chu is startling her as well. People, it’s almost 11. What will the neighbors say?
Last night Chu and I watched a movie in Glorietta 4 with two of our office friends, Reylyn and Mhiles. Reylyn warned us from the beginning that she hated horror movies, but the rest of us really wanted to see “Ring 2,” so we ended up watching that anyway.
Reylyn had her eyes covered for half of the movie, asking me and Mhiles to narrate what went on in the movie. She said she should ask for a 50% refund, since she saw only 50% of the movie. It would be more appropriate to tell people that she “listened” to Ring 2 rather than watched it.
When we went to Cebu for some audit engagements last year, the guys I was with wanted to watch “Feng Sui” on our first night there, on the premise that it was widely publicized to be exceptionally scary, which is a rare feat for a Pinoy horror movie which turn out to be, more often than not, a comedy.
I guess it depends on the viewer. Chu, seated at my left, who had already seen the movie, still cried out at startling scenes. Ton, on my other side, kept on commenting how UNscary the effects were. I ended up on neutral grounds.
Cecil, my roommate, however, reacted differently. The moment we got into our room her cellphone rang, causing her to scream and jump on the bed. I had to calm her down and remind her that it was just her cellphone.
Check out this website, though, it’s really cool: click here.