Hi there!!!!! Can you see me waving enthusiastically? No? Oh right, this isn’t a video. Yeesh. But here is a pic of me waving, anyway, to help you visualize me and all.

Now where was I? Oh, right. Introducing myself. Yeah, I’m pretty forgetful like that. In fact that is one of the reasons why I blog, so that I can put my memories down in order for me to have something to refer to in the future when my dearly beloved brain goes all Dory on me. What, you don’t know who Dory is? Watch Finding Nemo, poor you.
No wait, I didn’t mean right now, come back! I’m not done yet!
So… as I was saying… Hi there, I’m Dee! I am a Filipino based in Hong Kong. I work in corporate finance by day and on this blog by night.
If I had to describe myself in one word, I guess it would be: STORYTELLER.
I like to tell stories through words and pictures (and sometimes, gestures). Some people have said that I tell stories so vividly, in such a way that makes the listener/reader feel as though they were going through my experiences first-hand.
So what stories do I tell? Ones that I read from books, or see on television or movies, sometimes, but mostly stuff that happens in my own life – like that time I watched a movie in a luxury cinema all by myself, or that time I played dodge ball and fell into an open pit, or that time I risked leaving my hometown to move to another city with only the equivalent of US$50 in pocket money.
I enjoy the moments and savor the experiences, good or bad, because they all make good storytelling material.
So I guess that’s pretty much me, in a nutshell long rambling post!
Welcome to my blog, and feel free to stay for as long as you want! 🙂