My friend and fellow blogger Jek has been sharing his inspiring keto journey on his blog, His results have been so amazing that I felt compelled to interview him on my blog, in case some of you guys wanted to lose weight the way that he did. When did you start on your weight […]
If You’re Single on Valentine’s Day
Today is Valentine’s Day aka Single Awareness Day, and I have to say that it is definitely the worst holiday for singles, with Christmas and New Year rounding up the big three. A character in the movie Love Actually says: “Christmas is a time for people with someone they love in their lives.” Well, Valentine’s […]
I Got My Dream Job
My definition of “dream job” was never constant, and keeps evolving as the years go by. As a child, it meant being a nurse, not necessarily because I myself wanted it, but because it was my mom’s foiled ambition. But as I grew older I quickly realised that the sight of blood made me feel […]
Thanksgiving: What I’m “Grapeful” For
Today is Thanksgiving in the USA. I am not American and we don’t celebrate it in the Philippines or in Singapore, but I took part in this celebration, in a way, when Kim of A Moving Story invited me to be a part of a gratitude series on her blog. I was touched by her email […]
Flying After his Dreams
“I dreamed about you last night,” I told my friend over the phone while I was in the bus enroute to work this morning. I narrated the latest in my bizarre string of dreams set in my hometown. “Your bestfriend was there too, and he was wearing a suit with pink trim. It kinda looked like Ron […]
How A Teacher Saved My Christmas
My family is traveling to Cagayan de Oro to spend Christmas day with my mom’s sister, whom she hasn’t seen since 2001. It’s an 18-hour bumpy bus ride, but I wish I were on that trip with them. Christmas can do that to you. Seeing all those Facebook statuses about friends who are home for […]
The Rock that Launched a Thousand Tears
Her parents got a letter from him. A picture of him and her had been printed out with his words written at the bottom. He said he loved her very much. That she knew him above everyone else. That it was her hand that he held when he was in difficult times. His hand that […]
A Title is not Necessary for Success
“What’s your course?” “Accountancy.” “Are you a CPA?” Typical conversation. All Accountancy grads are of course expected to take the CPA board exam. So, right after graduation, I followed the expected path and went to Manila with my classmates to review for five months before taking the board exam. I had never failed any major […]
Preserving Memories
When I went home over the holidays, one of the things I was looking forward to was the chance to browse through my old memories again – my diaries and other old stuff in my room. I should have seen it as a bad sign when my mom told me she had given away all […]