Zenie and I sniffled. And it was not because we both had colds (we both got cured already, thank God). We were watching “The Phantom of the Opera” on Chu’s laptop and the last scene was particularly touching. Poor Erik!

The entire day has been a Phantom-filled day for us.
It began when Zenie watched my “Phantom” DVD. She was falling in love with the songs when halfway through the movie, the DVD refused to play continuously. After an hour of patiently enduring the jumpy scenes, Zenie decided that this was too much.
An hour later, she and I were asking a DVD vendor in Makati Cinema Square to test a DVD of the “Phantom” to ensure that it played well before she bought it.
We then paid our water bill in SM, watched “The Wedding Date” in Glorietta 4 Cinema, ate dinner in Chef D’ Angelo, and bought some sandals and pants in SM before heading home.
All throughout all our other activities, she and I sang lines from “Phantom.”
- “think of me, think of me fondly…”
- “the phantom of the opera is there inside my mind…”
- “you will curse the day you did not do all that the phantom asked of you…”
Poor taxi driver for having to endure our wailing.
Even Chu looked at me as though I was crazy when I answered his question by singing, “Of course not!”
But the cavalry wasn’t over, for the DVD refused to play in both her laptop and mine. Poor Zenie!
But all was not lost – we tried it in Chu’s laptop and behold! It ran without a hitch!
Our laptops must be jealous of the “Phantom.”