On day 2 of our stay in Singapore, Monette, Tyne’s roommate, cooked spaghetti for us, and we had it for lunch at their place.

So I the information person, and she told me we needed to exit via the “Kafu Supermarket.” Later on we realized she meant “Carrefour Supermarket.” Damn accent. When we finally found that and crossed over, we asked another guard how to find the building and he told us to go through the doors he was guarding and exit beyond the shops. We walked in, found some stairs and climbed up…but we realized that these stairs were 13 floors straight up and very bodega-like. So we went down again and found the correct way to those shops. We finally found the doors that led to the building..but it was raining buckets and the wind was very strong so I said, it’s okay, we don’t need to walk to the building itself. At least I know where it is. And it was another long walk all the way back to where we came from.