I’m finally back in Singapore, where the latest thing is the haze.
While I was away, forests were burned in Indonesia and it got so out of hand that it caused its neighboring country’s skies to be shrouded in smog so bad that it registered up to an unhealthy PSI level of 400. Healthy level is 100. Today it was down to 83. Yay.
Comparison pictures below:
So now the latest Singapore fashion trend is:
I hope the cloud seeding goes well and the haze goes away completely ASAP.
I'm sorry…. We get smog here in the LA area too. Sometimes our sky is grey instead of blue. I don't like haze or smog but a least it makes me appreciate blue skies even more. I hope your skies will soon be blue again. Hugs, Lura
oh my! heres to blue skies returning soon.
Hopefully soon your haze will be gone, so sorry to hear about your forests burning, we have them out West in the United States too and they cause quite a bit of problems and destruction.<br /><br />Lucy from <a href="http://www.lucysreality.com/" rel="nofollow">Lucy's Reality</a>
Oh wow- the comparison pictures definitely show a big difference. You should definitely bedazzle your mask!