Dear Nikki,
Tada!!! Here is the letter you requested! I still can’t get over the fact that you actually asked me to give you a letter and hand it to our colleague to hand to you when she flies to Manila next week! I mean… who does that these days?? LOL. Anyway… I was going to write you one. I started writing it but I hated how messy my handwriting (and my thoughts) got, so…
We’ve missed having you around for lunch as well. I was going to tell you about all the lunch time conversations you’ve missed since you left but my brain is like a sieve cough signs of aging cough and I can’t remember much except our topic last Thursday, which was about the MERGER, which is not the word you think it is.
I was telling our friends about the history of how Singapore got its name. I told them that a Malaysian prince landed on Singapore years ago and saw a lion, so he decided to name the place Singapura which means “Lion City.” But plot twist… years later, they realized that there were no lions there, and the prince probably saw a tiger, and not a lion.
Just then, Dred said, “I pity the poor tiger! He didn’t get what was due him!”
Ummm… okay.
“Singapore should have been named after the tiger, not the lion,” she went on, “And the Singapore icon shouldn’t have been the merlion, but the… MERGER.”
“Are you going to start crying for the poor tiger now?” asked Joc. We all then started fake crying and fanning our eyes.
See, you aren’t really missing much. ;P
As for the gown design that you asked for… well it’s not final yet, but it looks like the social committee is finally leaning towards the theme that I have been pushing since I became a member two years ago, which is masquerade. I think the timing is right given that The Phantom of the Opera came to Singapore this year, right? And it’s so perfect for St Regis, which is one of the classiest hotels on the island. That being said, I created this pinterest board just for you! I pinned all the gown designs which I think would be perfect for that theme. Go check it out!
Meanwhile, Jemma and I have decided not to eat anything between now and December so we can hit two birds with one stone: (1) lose weight to look fab and (2) save money to buy a gown! Sounds like a good plan, right? 😀
Dear Anne & Mark,
Thank you so much for your gift from Paris! I’m so touched that you got something for me! The magnet is so pretty, I love it! I’m also jealous of happy for you guys for being able to enjoy a much-needed delayed honeymoon! 🙂
Dear IOS 7,
I don’t know why I was afraid to upgrade to you. I finally did last Sunday, and you are totes AWESOME! I am in love with your interface!
The lesson for me here is:
Sometimes in life, we’re so afraid of change because we don’t want to let go of the comfortable and familiar, not knowing that the change we are so afraid of embracing is so much better.
I know. So deep, man. *nosebleed*
Dear hard drive,
Et tu Brute?* After Hairdryer and Katniss and Alex Macbook, you too? Alex refuses to recognize you, not even in disc utility. BUT YOU HAVE ALL MY PICTURES AND FILES AND THINGS!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO??
*Deep breaths*
Okay Google tells me that you’re probably not completely destroyed, just the wire that connects you to Mac. So I just need to find a new cable. I wonder where I can find that?? I don’t have the energy to search right now. Will devote time for that next week!
*It means “Even you, Brutus?” and is Julius Caesar’s last line before he dies, one he utters when his supposed closest friend Brutus stabs him along with other senators. This iconic line has come to be associated with ultimate betrayal.
I love the story of how Singapore got it's name! And if you get to go to a masquerade ball I'll be very jealous! 😉 <br /><br /><br />Caesar historically probably didn't say "et tu, Brute? Then fall Caesar!" it's actually a quote from Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar" and now everyone thinks it's real. I love how Shakespeare quotes are everywhere
i love iOS 7! I went through all the trouble of installing the beta version "illegally" because I couldn't wait to use it. and i hate it when people compare it to android – i mean, seriously, it's too far from the Android UI! more closer to the Metro look of Windows to me, rather than Android.
Haha yes, he probably didn't, it sounds too dramatic to be said in real life. I love how Shakespeare's quotes are everywhere too! I also love quoting him every now and then. You can get on the theatre nerd box on me anytime, I love learning new things. 🙂
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