I’m singing a happy song right now because I accomplished a couple of big things this week. (Actually I’m literally not singing a happy song, but a sad one, because I’m singing karaoke while typing this at the same time… I will explain this part later.)
* A few of my friends came over during the weekend and we had a movie marathon while dining on pizza, pasta, cake and wine. I had a lot of fun talking and laughing and eating and watching and I realized that happiness can be found in life’s simplest, most seemingly mundane moments, as long as you have loved ones to spend it with.
* I headed to a salon to have my long hair lopped off. I have short hair again after 5 years. I love the light feeling, but to be honest I sometimes miss my long hair. But oh well. Hair grows.
* My friend Chu has started sharing photos of his meals with me and 3 other friends on Facebook, jokingly hashtagging it #WhatWouldJefreyEat after the inspirational story of our friend Jefrey who lost 15 kg, whom I interviewed here. We also share our own pics after he does, and luckily, thanks to my “personal chef” Merci, my colleague who cooks healthy lunches for me, I can share pic-worthy healthy meals.
* Tuesday nights are Scandal nights! I get to watch 2 Scandal episodes on TV. Starworld 10:30pm shows the latest season (albeit a few episodes behind), while the local channel 5 shows season 1 at 11:30 pm. Scandal is the story of Olivia Pope, who runs a crisis management firm. Meanwhile Thursday nights have reruns of Sex and the City, two episodes a night.
* Our office is scrapping our dental plan this month and encouraged us to take a trip to the dentist this month, so that’s what I did last wednesday. Then on Thursday I attended a session where they explained our new flexi benefits which will start on May. Instead of just a dental plan, we can now file claims for dental, optical, fitness, and even entertainment, up to a certain amount, of course. People asked a lot of questions and it was the most animated meeting I had ever been to in our office. I’m just happy that I can now reimburse my movie and play tickets or have a certain amount of my gym fee be paid for, should I decide to sign up.
* I paid off all my credit cards this week. This is a big deal for me because I used to be a Becky Bloomwood aka the girl from Confessions of a Shopaholic. But sometime last year I had a wake up call and decided it was time to stop being such a spendthrift. I sacrificed a lot – less shopping and dining out, spending weekends at home, no travel, sticking to friends within my caste, everything on this list. I don’t know if you noticed, but I’ve been wearing the same clothes over and over. I must have bought only one piece of clothing this year. I know, shocking. But it was all worth it for this exhilarating feeling of freedom. I should celebrate by buying something! Kidding.
* The other big thing I accomplished was finally signing up for – something that I don’t want to disclose here yet for fear of jinxing it. Sorry! I am not trying to be mysterious, I have a valid fear here, guys. Don’t you believe in jinxes?? It’s not just me, right? It’s actually just a little thing, but it’s the first small step that I need to take to finally get me to… somewhere. I promise I’ll let you know once it all works out. In the meantime, please bear with me. I just needed to write it down because I want to look back on this one day, you know? This blog is, first and foremost, a place to document my life, for me.
* My friend Maya came over to my flat again last night, but this time for a sleepover. I’ll be posting about it in detail next week because it’s not yet over. It’s almost 5pm and we’re still sitting in my living room belting out to Youtube karaoke while drinking Somersby cider and eating popcorn and chips with salsa. Life is good. 😉

This post is part of the A to Z Challenge, a blog hop that goes through the alphabet for all the days of April except Sundays.
Awesome job on being debt free!
Well now I'm intrigued…. <br /><br /><br />Well, I have to say, another jam packed week and Jefreys food looks proper nice!
Your meals look awesome; I love meals and movie nights and sleepovers with friends; and congratulations on getting rid of the debt! Way to go! Stopping by from the A to Z– I'm at http://www.jaimieramsey.com. 🙂
Thank you!
I was actually amazed at the date because I myself hadn't even recalled it, haha! Thank you for taking the trouble to look for it and making the connection. I am nervous about everything but at least I am doing something!<br /><br /><br />I love your rambling comments, so don't even worry about it. xx
Now you know how your readers feel after one of your endings!
Well now I'm intrigued…. <br /><br /><br />Well, I have to say, another jam packed week and Jefreys food looks proper nice!
Awesome job on being debt free!
Your meals look awesome; I love meals and movie nights and sleepovers with friends; and congratulations on getting rid of the debt! Way to go! Stopping by from the A to Z– I'm at http://www.jaimieramsey.com. 🙂
Thank you!
I was actually amazed at the date because I myself hadn't even recalled it, haha! Thank you for taking the trouble to look for it and making the connection. I am nervous about everything but at least I am doing something!<br /><br /><br />I love your rambling comments, so don't even worry about it. xx
Now you know how your readers feel after one of your endings!