I turned 32 over the weekend. A few months ago I would have been depressed at no longer finding my age in the calendar, but after seeing this video, I realized I was guilty and I am now happy to be in my thirties. 😀
Okay now let’s delve into the events of my birthday.
I started celebrating the day before, with lunch with my friends Gay and Leo followed by a 5-hour karaoke session with another set of friends, from the office. This was a joint birthday celebration with Jems, actually. Her birthday is close to mine.
Then I went home to get a quick nap before heading to another flat where we played Cluedo. I have heard of this game before and have always wanted to try it because I am a hug fan of mysteries, but this was my first time to actually play it, so thanks to Monica for bringing it.
We finished our first game shortly after midnight, whereupon we had a quick break to toast my birthday with flutes of Moscato wine and Lucky me pancit canton, which served as the Philippine birthday staple – noodles for long life.
Then we went back to the Cluedo board with better strategies on how to play the game. We slept at around 3am.
The next day I woke up to breakfast already cooking in the kitchen – red hotdogs! Yum yum yum! I ate way too much then rode a cab home in the same clothes I wore to bed. Oops.
Once home I took a quick shower. While getting dressed, I found that my former flatmate had made a birthday video for me and I was touched. We made arrangements to have dinner next weekend.
I then headed to Plaza Singapura to meet two other friends, Arlyn and Armar. We were planning to go to the Cafe Fest and since it was also Armar’s birthday recently, I planned to have a joint birthday cake spree with him, so I tried to buy candles for that in Cold Storage but it was closed due to flooding. So Arlyn approached Awfully Chocolate, a cake shop, and asked if they sold candles. They said they don’t but they can give us some. So nice of them!
Then I booked a car using Uber app to get us to our destination. We were given a $20 voucher for it when we bought our cafe fest tickets. It felt so fun to feel like royalty… okay, maybe that’s an overstatement… to be riding a fancy car to our destination.
The Cafe Fest is a cafe hopping event where they put 12 cafes all over Singapore together on one street.
I’ll post about it in detail next time, for now let’s jump to the perfect birthday cake we found for me and Armar – a rainbow cake. We chose it because it’s photogenic. Teehee. But it turned out to be delicious as well. Loooved the cream cheese frosting!
We found the perfect photogenic spot to take a picture with it too!
Oh wait, forgot to mention that before we found the cake, we also went into the casino where we played on the slot machines and I won about $1. But I spent $10. Bummer. So much for birthday luck! 😛
Then after eating a bunch of sweets and lounging by the bay, we had bak kut teh (one of my fave Singaporean dishes) at a food court inside the mall, before finally heading home.
Aside from the events, I also had lots of touching greetings and gifts from friends (there was Kate Spade and jewelry and makeup and clothes), including a surprise Amazon voucher from a blogger friend, Nom Elizabeth. Even though I had hidden my birthday on Facebook and locked up my wall, people still found a way to greet me by posting statuses and videos/pictures or sending PM’s and texts and calls.
On my birthday, I felt loved… and that’s all that matters. I had a VERY happy birthday indeed! 🙂
Happy birthday Dee!!! Hooray for your thirties (and especially for being happy about it) !!!
Have an awesome birthday month woohoo!
Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Happy, happy birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Lovely Lady!
Happy belated birthday!!! Also cream cheese icing is just so heavenly delicious!
Glad you had a great birthday gorgeous!<br />And I saw you got the luggage that you wanted – that's awesome xx
Thank you! xx
Thanks again! xx
Thanks! x
Thank you Che! x
Thanks Kate! x
Thanks Bailie! It really is though!
Thanks, Amy! Yeah, so surprised and happy, it pays to post wish lists eh? x
Happy belated birthday!!! Also cream cheese icing is just so heavenly delicious!
Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Happy Birthday Lovely Lady!
Glad you had a great birthday gorgeous!<br />And I saw you got the luggage that you wanted – that's awesome xx
Have an awesome birthday month woohoo!
Thank you! xx
Thanks Bailie! It really is though!
Thank you Che! x
Happy birthday Dee!!! Hooray for your thirties (and especially for being happy about it) !!!
Thanks! x
Thanks, Amy! Yeah, so surprised and happy, it pays to post wish lists eh? x
Happy, happy birthday!!!!
Thanks again! xx
Thanks Kate! x