Yellow again, peeps! 😀 As I mentioned previously, I signed up to join the Color Run in Singapore for the Sunday schedule, August 18. It was totes fun and exhausting, too, which made me realize just how incredibly out of shape I am. I mean it was just a 5K run! My gosh. Must work […]
Thinspiration: How Chrissete Lost 25 Pounds
One of the things you need to lose weight is a thinspiration – someone to look up to, one who has your ideal weight or who has lost a lot of weight and is serving as an inspiration to you. So I decided to show you one of mine, my friend Chrissete! She has lost […]
Fat Flush Water
This is my friend Nikki. What is that? You ask? That was exactly what each one of us asked the moment we laid eyes on that strange colorful thing she brought to lunch one day. “It’s fat flush water,” she explained. “My friend drank this for ten days and lost weight.” “You’ll drink only that […]
Dee Decides to Diet
I am fat. Before and after: ten years apart What’s up with me stating the obvious, huh? Haha. Well, I have always been on the fat side, actually, but now I’m even more so. I am so fat that I wear the same clothes over and over because my old clothes no longer fit and I don’t […]
The Best Gym
…is outdoors. Somehow jogging on a machine while inside an airconditioned room does not make me as happy as when I’m jogging outdoors, especially when it’s in a beautiful park. The end of each session never fails to make me happy, and though I know endorphins brought about by exercise may have contributed to that, […]
In Love with…
I weighed in yesterday morning and was happy to note that I had lost 0.9 kg since last week, making that a total of 3.3 kg lost this year. Yippee! I am so happy! So happy that a lot of people have been noticing that I seem to be blooming or glowing lately. I had […]
How Many Calories is That?
It all started with a bet. I bet Maya and Mildred that I’ll lose 10kg by June 30 of this year or I’ll pay them S$100 each. They bet me the same thing but with different weight loss goals. Enter our friend Nikki, who has been counting calories for about three months now. She lost […]
Fresh Fruits Only
Lately I tried to do the Southbeach diet again but failed the “no fruits for the first two weeks” part. It’s just that lately during the nights, I’ve been losing my appetite for cooked food. But since I still get hungry and need to eat, I turn to the only things that don’t make my […]
On Girls and Being Thin
“Don’t you just hate it when people comment about how you’ve put on weight?” my friend complained to me this morning. I couldn’t agree more and fervently nodded my assent before realizing that she couldn’t see me over the phone. It made me remember a guy friend’s question to me before: “Do girls really feel […]
Pineapple Juice Diet
According to my friend Kes, her secretary lost 17 pounds in a span of one month (she started dieting last January 5). Her diet? Lots and lots of Del Monte unsweetened pineapple juice and lesser rice than she normally ate. She apparently lost a lot of belly fat. I’m gonna try it. Wanna join me? […]