When a part time job as party host got advertised in Jobstreet, I clicked on the “apply” button faster than I could troubleshoot a problematic invoice.
A few days later I got an email inviting me for an interview, and that Sunday found me in Ortigas with a resume advertsing my hosting skills. When I got there I realized that I was in alien territory. Not only were my fellow applicants much younger (most were fresh grads), they were also in a different field. Most were Bachelor of Art graduates and could relate to each other talking about modelling and dj-ing and acting. Gulp! What’s more, the interview involved singing and dancing and hosting on the spot. I thought I would never make it, but I just did my bit and to my surprise, they loved me and offered me a spot, asking me to come back for the orientation.
During orientation I discovered that Values Media Inc was an old company that rose to fame before Erap’s time. When the entertainment industry fell to pieces, it fell, too, but now that our economy is slowly regaining, they decided to rise and try to rebuild their former glory. Hence the idea of forming actors for hire.
But let’s take things slowly first. Musicals will come next summer. For now these so-called actors will start off as party hosts and clowns. And before they can even do that, they have to undergo training every weekend. And they have to submit setcards. I was so clueless about what those are. Turns out models always have those. So I had one made today and oh…so that’s what a setcard is. Poor ignorant me. Already there’s a lot to learn about this new industry.
I’m so excited for the weekend! ^^
Just in case you’re interested, I make model set cards. Still building my portfolio as well so most works are pro bono and x deals. *wink*
We can set a weekend when you’re free. I have to retake your pictures. Choose 3 of your favorite outifts then we do a shoot. 🙂 wink.
go go go for it Heids! Fun!