The initial plan was just to have frappes in Starbucks (our favorite creme brulee is back!) which somehow ended up with Maya and Gay sleeping overnight in my living room. The next day we ate danggit for breakfast and maggi curry for lunch, played around with my Mac’s photobooth app, recorded a song, shot a video, and of course, talked and laughed and talked and laughed some more. I wish the day didn’t have to end. Or that we still lived together like we used to back in Makati.
Anyway, here are some of our pictures.
And here is the music video we made. Pardon the parts that are off-key. Maya and Gay have good vocals overall though, don’t they? Also pardon the what’s-the-connection-to-the-song scenes. We should have searched for a song called “Second Childhood” instead. LOL. We laughed so hard while shooting this though. Who knew that these two had it in them?!? I’m saying “these two” because everyone knows by now that I’ve always had this in me. LOL.
I have always loved this song ever since Tupe told me back in college that the lyrics applied to us college friends. I realized he was right. It still applies until now.
We were strangers starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we’d have to go through…
No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected – what you did to my heart…
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you
haha kataw.anan!! kalingaw ui.
Nalipay ko nga nalingaw ka. 😀