When you’re based in a country far away from most of the people you know, it is essential to discover tools that allow you not only to bridge that gap but let you do it for free. Years ago we discovered Yahoo Messenger and Skype for the computer. But now the ballgame has shifted playing fields and the smart phone has become the new computer. Luckily, we have long distance tools for that as well. Here are my two favorites: What’s App and Tango.
I discovered the brilliant app that is What’s App some months ago. Back then I used it to secretly converse with someone who was in the same room as me, unbeknownst to all the others present. Now I use it the way it ought to be used – to chat with friends miles away from me. It’s brilliant because aside from text, you can share pictures and audio notes as well. Fair warning though: it can drain your battery. Or maybe that’s only if you use it for an hour and a half straight.

What’s App has no call function though, and that’s where Tango steps in. It’s like Facetime that can be used in iPhone 3gs and can be used not only with wifi but also 3g connection. It can be used for both voice calls and video calls but since my 3gs has no camera in front, if I show myself to my caller, I wouldn’t be able to see his video feed, unless maybe I face the mirror, which was my friend’s brilliant idea.
And one more brilliant app, by the way? This one I’m using to type out this blog as I ride a bus to work. Technology is brilliant, isn’t it? 🙂
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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