A few days ago, I said I was happy. And I was.
But I guess happiness is fleeting. It’s just impossible to be happy all the time. That would be weird.
Yes I’ve been having some unhappy moments and thoughts lately. Maybe I jinxed myself when I declared that I was happy? Who knows.
But I try to banish these thoughts after having a good cry and to be happy nonetheless. I can’t let the bad guys pull me under again.
But when someone asked me earlier, “are you okay?” my reply was: “I don’t know.”
And that bothers me.
Anyway, while searching for happiness quotes, I chanced upon this comment that someone left on the Happiness Project blog.
Happiness is fleeting. It’s really problematic to want to be happy all the time. You can’t be. If you are alive and conscious, you wont be happy all of the time. Life is difficult, especially if you live authentically. What perseveres and is probably what you should be seeking is a deep feeling of contentment.
She has a point. Overall, I still am content. I still am okay.
I guess. 😮
it's true, and it's perfectly normal to have good and bad days. cheer up! 🙂
Thanks, G. I feel better now. 🙂