One of the things that make me extremely ecstatic is finishing a creative piece. That happened yesterday when I finished writing a short story. Now I’ve written a lot of few short stories before but this is the first one I wrote that wasn’t a gift for a friend or based on a true story. It’s also my first happy story. Haha I guess I used to think that “our sweetest stories are those that tell of saddest thoughts.” More than that, I think this is the best one I’ve ever written and the one I’m happiest about, and based on my friends’ comments about it, I guess it is something special. It’s not your typical run of the mill love story. Someone even said I should get it published by Summit. I’m so flattered. blushing furiously
It all started when I got a writing prompt from a tumblr I follow. The prompt was to write about window shopping. As I stood under the shower pondering, what do I want to buy that’s worth writing about? a brilliant idea hit me right then and there. Funny thing is, this isn’t the first time this happened. While some people take naps so they could dream up ideas, all I need to do is to stand under a shower. Maybe warm water activates my brain cells or something.
I was so excited about writing this story that I lost sleep over it and kept on thinking about it, like what would it be like to live in that world? The hardest part to write was the one that would get the leading lady to fall for the leading man. I suddenly have newfound respect for all the authors out there. In the end, I didn’t just write a short story but a song as well. Wow, who would’ve thought I was capable of being a lyricist? My friends thought it was a real song but no, I made it up myself because the story needed it. They loved the lyrics and I do too.
So anyway, I posted the story here. So if you love to read fiction or you just love me, please please please check it out. I promise it’s worth your time. 😉
P.S. You may also want to check out my favorite fiction writer on tumblr here. She writes short feel good love stories.
I felt the same way about the setting of the movie. Heck, the movie Watchmen did a better job in making you feel like its really the 60's.