I joined this contest by Kingcoil that involved clicking on your sleeping position. Mine is this one:
After filling up the details, they emailed me an assessment of my personality and health based on that. You know what? It does sound like me! 😮
You have selected the intense Free-faller position.
Position: The Freefall sleeper lies on his front with his hands wrapped around the pillow, and his head turned to one side.
Personality: At approximately 7% of the sleeping population, Freefallers are the second smallest group of sleepers. They tend to be very intense, even if they don’t always show it. They do not hide their emotions, nor do they feel the need to do so. Ever generous to offer help, their willingness to go out of their way for friends can sometimes land them in precarious situations . True to their inner self, they can be wild and gregarious at times, but they should know by now that this intense energy can be dangerous and many freefallers keep that side of themselves bottled up. It is also because of this that negative feelings can lay dormant and beyond easy perception until the point of eruption. Freefallers love freedom, and they understand that, which is why they also see the need for structure around them to make sure their personality doesn’t get the best of them. Freefallers do not take criticism easily, especially one given on a bad day.
Health: It is recommended that people do not sleep on their abdomen. Sleeping facedown can exaggerate the arch at the base of the spine and cause strain. If it is impossible to sleep comfortably in any other way, they should reduce the strain on their back by placing a pillow under their pelvis and lower abdomen. It is challenging to find just the right pillow firmness for Freefallers. However, this position may be helpful if for a patient with degenerative disease or a herniated disk in the central portion of the spine.
Hey thts pretty true…I rly am a freefaller…couldn't find a detailed thingy abt it until I read this…makes perfect sense…thnks 🙂