…is outdoors.
Somehow jogging on a machine while inside an airconditioned room does not make me as happy as when I’m jogging outdoors, especially when it’s in a beautiful park.
The end of each session never fails to make me happy, and though I know endorphins brought about by exercise may have contributed to that, I suspect that the view may also be a factor. I just love to look at the view.
This week I decided to go back to the park which I haven’t been visiting lately, and on my first day back I decided to take Katniss (my camera) hunting with me.
She shot some game… cats, to be specific. Haha sorry I just had to keep up with the… umm… metaphor?
In short, I finally managed to shoot pictures of my two favorite cats in the park whom I’ve named Lucat and Cat Middleton. LOL. Here they are.

And here are some shots of the view. I still haven’t gotten around to reading my camera’s manual so these are mostly auto.

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