Look at what I got in the mail today.
It’s my certificate from attending a couple of journalism classes a few weeks ago. I found it through Groupon, so it’s nothing intensive, more like a sampler of what I could get if I enrolled in a full course, so I didn’t really learn a lot, but just enough to make me realize that journalism is not for me.
I have never really been a news person, more of a features one. Being in those classes also made me realize how incredibly ignorant I am about serious news.
Still, I enjoyed being there, learning new things and being around new people with fresh information to share. Also, I really enjoyed listening to our teacher talk in a British accent. Heh.
I’m glad I have something new to add to my portfolio of new learning experiences. I shall now put the certificate up on my wall, just because it looks kinda impressive, and because it serves as a reminder of my passion. Maybe it will stimulate me to do something about it.
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