When the word “hero” comes up, what first springs to my mind are the superheroes – Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Aquaman, Iron Man, X-Men, insert-name-of-whatever-you-can-think-of-man. But what does the word “hero” really mean, though? Google to the rescue.
HERO – A person, typically a man, who is admired for courage or noble qualities.
See, even Google insists on the “man.” No wonder all the superheroes with the “man” in their name. LOL.
Anyway, courage and noble qualities. One superhero springs into mind, and he doesn’t have the word “man” in his name – CAPTAIN AMERICA.
My own words in my movie review blog about Captain America: The First Avenger, explains why.
Captain America may just be the most “heroic” Avenger out of the bunch. I know he’s not as powerful as Iron Man and Thor but I’m referring to his attitude. His selflessness was the reason why he was chosen to take the serum that transformed him from a scrawny little guy to an Olympian hulk.
As Dr Erskine put it: “The serum amplifies everything that is inside. So, good becomes great. Bad becomes worse. This is why you were chosen. Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will lose respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength. And knows compassion. Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.”
And he did just that. Selfless to the very end. He always put others before himself – when he threw himself on top of a grenade to save his fellow soldiers, when he stole into an enemy camp to save his best friend and 400 other soldiers, and the biggest sacrifice of all – when he crash-landed the plane he was on so it would not kill other people, even though it meant he might never be able to get back to the first woman who ever liked (or as Col Phillips put it, “had a crush” on) him. The plane was lodged so deep into the ocean, in fact, that he was not discovered until 70 years later.
He is noble, a truly inspirational hero that everyone can truly look up to, completely deserving of his superhero name.
The Cap is the most “heroic” of all the superheroes even though he may not have the best powers because he is the bravest and the noblest of them all, as this quote points out:
“Superman isn’t brave. He is indestructible; indestructible people can’t be brave. It’s normal people who know that they can be crushed, but do it anyway, who are truly brave.”
No offense to Superman fans, I too am a huge fan of the guy!
Meanwhile… villain. I don’t really have a favorite villain. Why should I? I hate all villains. I wish they didn’t exist. But they have to, don’t they, because as Jim Moriarty put it in BBC Sherlock:
Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain. You need me or you’re nothing.
And you know what, maybe Jim is my favorite villain. Not favorite because I like him best, but because I loathe him most of all! He gives me the serious creeps! Look at those eyes. @__@
The guy is really evil – a consulting criminal, the spider at the center of a huge web of crime. But what really creeps me out about him is what a complete whack job he is! When he got bored about being too good at being bad, he sought out Sherlock, who was a good detective at par with him, and ruined poor Sherlock’s reputation by making it appear as though Sherlock was a fake. And then, just to make sure that Sherlock really lost, he forced Sherlock to jump from the building but not before killing himself first, to ensure that Sherlock had no way out. You can’t get more twisted than killing yourself just to make sure your evil plans succeed.
Okay I’m probably making no sense at all unless you’ve watched BBC Sherlock, so go watch it!
This entry is part of a blogfest. You may check out what the others have to say about the same topic by clicking on their blog links below. Apologies to my fellow participants if I can’t read your posts today. When I signed up for the challenge, I completely forgot that I was set to fly off on vacation on this very day and will have intermittent access to the internet for the next couple of weeks. I promise to check out your posts when I come back!
Cap is a selfless hero, but then so was Steve long before he became Cap. My fav bit from the movie is when they yell grenade, throw it at the recruits and everyone else runs away, but he dives onto it to protect others. <br /><br />Jim Moriarty is indeed devious and cunning and I hate, hate, hate him – so I think the writers and actor did their jobs well. :)<br /><br /><a href="http://
I really do have to finish watching Sherlock- I saw the pilot episode and loved it and I honestly don't know why I never finished it. Thanks for giving me the kick I need!
Very hard to disagree with your choice of Cap. He is a great hero.<br /><br />Now a good villain though…should make the heroes not only seem better by comparison, but show us why they are heroes.<br />Red Skull was not just evil, he was amoral where Cap was very moral. Cap would sacrifice himself to save others, while Red Skull would destroy a whole village to get to one thing not because he
Okay, I'm two days late for the blitz. Sorry. Happy belated blitz day! And yes, that guy has really creepy eyes!
Captain America was just so genuine and real. A man of integrity.
Obviously I'm English so I'm going to support you in telling people to watch 'Sherlock' on BBC…new season coming soon! It's FANTASTIC. You have excellent taste Dee 😉
Yep, both of these (as you know:) ) are on my list, as well. I love that line from Erskine in the Captain America film and it's ideas like that which make Cap one of my favorites.<br /><br />Great choices!
Jim Moriarty is terrifying… and that psychotic look in his eyes is enthralling. Sherlock and him makes such great adversaries. <br /><br />I like Captain America, a lot. Yet, I'm not sure if Granpa's quote on bravery really fits a man whose system was enhenced by a substance that made him into a ginormous mutant soldier. I think Granpa's words would better describe The Batman, don&#
I haven't heard of that show, but yes–he sounds absolutely creepy and his eyes are disturbing! *shudders*<br /><br />Thanks for participating in the blogfest! :)<br /><br />
Cap is a great character – I love him in the movies. I thought he was a little overshadowed in The Avengers because there were so many bigger than life others in there as well, but I still loved him.<br /><br />As for Moriarty – now there is a twisted individual!<br /><a href="http://tashasthinkings.blogspot.co.uk/" rel="nofollow">Tasha's Thinkings</a>
Captain America has heart, the right attitude, and he's a great choice! <br />And Moriarty . . . seriously creepy. He's definitely one of the worst (best?) villains!<br />Great post!