When you keep getting questions about the same topic, you know it’s a sign that you should blog about it. Well that’s what I think, anyway! 😀
I’ve gotten some questions from friends and readers about what lipstick I wear, and when my Cara Box exchange partner Ellyn asked me about my favorite lipsticks this week, I told her I’d answer in blog form. So here goes! WARNING: a bunch of selfies to follow!! :S
This is my HG (Holy Grail) lipstick or my absolute favorite shade – a vivid fuchsia pink. Using this shade makes my entire face seem whiter, somehow, and it looks classy. I often get compliments when I wear it; I think dark lipstick shades look better on me in general. This has semi matte finish, and it’s not so easy to apply because it’s not that creamy, but I love how light it feels on the lips. It’s a bit long lasting too, but not as much as matte. It’s a bit pricey at over S$30 a tube but worth every single cent. A close dupe is Sephora’s 2254B.
(2) Nars in Carthage
My bloggy pal Juliette once commented: “I love the colour of your lipstick on your profile pic. What is it?” The answer is this one! 🙂  This was recommended to me by the makeup artist manning the Nars booth in Taiwan when I went there for a vacation last November. I had asked her what shade would look good on me, and she said this, and just as I was sold on it (which took a while since I don’t normally go for hot pink), she found out that they didn’t have any in stock. *facepalm* (Luckily Nars was available in Singapore months later, so I was able to buy one here.)
She had put the lipstick on me before lunch, and then we walked all around the streets of Taiwan, had lunch, drank iced milk tea, then I got on a plane, had dinner and dessert, and that profile picture of mine? It was taken 8 hours after I had put the lipstick on, with absolutely no retouching! AMAZING! That’s why I love love love it! However it’s pure matte, so it’s a bit drying.
(3) Tom Ford in Flamingo
It was indeed one very happy birthday for me when I found that two of my best friends had gifted me with this luxury label lipstick, because I never would have bought it for myself! It’s too pricey for me, at around S$70 for a tube. It has a creamy, moisturizing texture (satin matte finish) which I love because it’s not drying yet it is long lasting. The vibrant pink color brightens up the face, and it goes full on opaque with one swipe. Also, I love its faint scent… I can’t quite pinpoint what it smells like, but it smells yummy, like it’s good enough to eat but which you shouldn’t do because remember, it’s expensive! Don’t waste it! 😮
(4) Bobby Brown in Pink Peony
I actually did a whole blog post about this when I first bought it. I love the brightening pink color and the creamy yet lightweight texture which has surprisingly long lasting power. Now I understand why Kate Middleton loves this brand. (Her shade is Sandwash pink, though. I didn’t choose that because light colors wash me out.)
(5) Mac in Russian Red
I got this as a birthday present last year and lost it. Ugh. That is why I couldn’t take a picture of it and had to use one from the Mac website. (I’m not even sure if that picture is of Russian Red, actually. Oops.) But I will buy a new one! Maybe even later! I love the highly pigmented bright red color that makes my lips really pop. Perfect for the devil look, no? 😀  I prefer this over the other famous Mac red shade, Ruby Woo, because RW is extremely drying on the lips, I can’t stand it! This one is matte but it glides on, and has awesome staying power too. (That does it. I need to drop by Mac to get a replacement today!)
(6) Nyx in Tea Rose
This is my favorite drugstore lipstick brand. It’s not long lasting, but I don’t mind, because I super love its creamy yet lightweight texture and its light pink color.
(7) Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Lovesick Passionnee
This is actually not a lipstick but a balm stain, but I just had to include it in the list because I super love it! It comes in the form of a “chubby stick” and it has a soothing minty taste. The stain is highly pigmented and lasts for hours. This is my go-to product for when my lips are feeling chappy and crappy. Best of all, it’s a drugstore brand, so it won’t break the bank.
And that’s my seven favorite lipsticks in my collection! What about you, what is your HG lipstick?
Here are 7 of my favorite articles from this week:
(1)Â Lies About Growing Your Blog {Kisses and Croissants}
(2) The Best and Worst Blog Advice Ever Published {Living in Another Language}
(3) 10 Things to Never Ever Ever Say to a Single Person {I am Rihanna)
(4) 6 Telltale Signs You were Born to be a Writer {Polycymic}
(5) On Being Honest and Blogging {Kristie was Here}
(6) I Know You But I’ve Never Met You {Midlands Musings}
(7) The War on Girls: Miss Representation {A Compass Rose}
Also, you might want to check out my guest post at Diaries of an Essex Girl. I talk about my top tourist spots in Asia.
Finally, a giveaway! I am teaming up with these lovely ladies to give away $230 worth of prizes! Join now! You just might be the lucky one!
I love those lip stains, they're the only kind of lipstick I'll wear! They're so easy! Loved this post! <br /><br />xo Becky<br /><a href="www.seductivemania.com" rel="nofollow">Seductive Mania</a>
Love all of these lipstick shades but my favorite is definitely the Nars in Carthage one!! And you are SO PRETTY girl 😉
My favorite thing about fall is the colors and the clothes!
I love fall because I can finally start wearing sweaters and enjoying casseroles again!
I love Nars lipsticks, they are amazing quality!
All those pretty lip colors! I'm a big fan of Revlon's Just Bitten range. I've never tried a NARS lipstick, but I'd love to try NARS Dragon Girl. It looks like such an amazing red!
i'm pretty sure there is no fall season in the Philippines but if i have to answer what's my favorite thing about it, it would have to be the beautiful colors of the leaves
I love that tea rose color!!
My favorite thing about fall is photosynthesis. It's so beautiful to see all the colors. I feel like I can almost taste the sweetness of the yellow-orange-red leaves on the air.
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog with the Blitz Team the other day. Amazing. Nice blog. 🙂 Lily.
I love Russian Red! It's one of my staples. PS I found you off Lost in Travels, I'm stealing the quote you left on Chelsea's wall. It was beautiful and inspiring! Have a good day :)<br /><br /><br />abroadsworld.blogspot.com
Aha, you're a girl who likes light lip colors, eh? It's as light as I dare go! Nudes and lights just look terrible on me!
Aww thanks for taking the effort to return a comment! It must have been tough with all the blitzers! I salute you again! I hope you are doing well!
Ooh, I wonder what else your other staples are? <br />Haha you are too cute with the telling me about stealing my quote. It's not actually mine, I can't remember where I read it, so steal away! It really is inspiring! 🙂