Here are some funny real-life conversations I’ve had with retail people.
Me to cashier: One mocha, please.
Cashier to barista: One skinny mocha!
(Should I get insulted, or – ?)
Cashier (who is a Filipino like me): So ma’am, where are you from back home?
Me: Zamboanga.
Cashier: Ahhh. They do say people from Davao are beautiful.
(Should I get insulted, or – ? Davao and Zamboanga are both from Mindanao and some people confuse them. But maybe not in this case?)
Me (holding up two different cellphone cases): Which one do you think is prettier?
Sales guy: You.
(I definitely shouldn’t be insulted but… come on, man. Seriously?)
Let’s connect!
Haha definitely no need to be insulted. Too funny, though!
I think the last two are definitely compliments. I think I had a dream that you and I were discussing HIMYM last night… x
Haha thanks. Whoa, what a funny dream!
Haha thanks! Yes indeed!
I'd laugh at the sales guy lol :))
I know, right? *SMH*
Haha definitely no need to be insulted. Too funny, though!
Haha thanks. Whoa, what a funny dream!
Haha thanks! Yes indeed!
I'd laugh at the sales guy lol :))
I think the last two are definitely compliments. I think I had a dream that you and I were discussing HIMYM last night… x
I know, right? *SMH*