Dear Readers,
YOU GUYS! Have you seen this proposal video? It’s the most hilarious, most elaborate proposal I have ever seen! I was laughing and then crying. You HAVE to watch this if you haven’t seen it yet. Like, right now. This is the only link I’ll share this week because I have to get back to packing. Packing for what? See the last letter. But only AFTER you watch this video. I MEAN IT!
Dear life coach,
I had a really great skype session with you last night (this dawn?). You were incredibly insightful and pointed out things about me that I didn’t really notice about myself. Also, I love all the new concepts you introduced, like the core values, integrity gap, and the four inner committee voices, which are all very interesting concepts about human psychology (a subject which has always fascinated me).
I am happy with the plan we came up with for my life and I look forward to sticking to it using the three things I need instead of motivation: commitment, discipline, and skills. I can’t wait to finally be truly happy, thanks to your help. 🙂
(Interested in hiring a life coach too? Email me for info.)
Dear Flat,
We’ve been together for more than three years and I really don’t wanna leave, but Landlord needs to sell you, so I don’t have a choice. I admit, when he broke the news, I was really devastated. I mean, I’m comfortable here and where would I go? Looking for a new room at the price range I’m used to is probably gonna be impossible (because Landlord never raised the prices in those 3 years, how lucky was I?), and the packing and moving… ugh.
Luckily I remembered that my friend Maybelle from the office had mentioned she was looking for a roommate, and when I asked her if she still was, she said yes. Her place is closer to the office, so that’s an advantage. It will be an adjustment, having a roommate again after being used to having a room to myself for a couple of years. But you know what I realized? This is actually a good thing, because when I’m all alone I don’t really care about things like neatness and stuff. Being around people forces me to be considerate and act human, you know what I’m saying?
So now I’ve become excited about moving, but probably because I always get excited about anything new.
Anyway, I need to get back to packing. I’m not yet done. I can’t believe how much junk I’ve accumulated in 3 years. I was shocked to find I had bought 50+ books despite having a library card. I tried donating some of them to the library but they’re picky with what they accept. I also had to decide which half of my clothes to keep and packed up the ones I’m keeping in 2 suitcases. Still seems like a lot. I guess this move is a blessing in disguise because it is giving me a chance to get rid of the clutter in my life.
And now I really have to get back to packing up/throwing away the rest of my stuff. Ktnxbye.
Packing is the worst! I'm glad it worked out with your colleague though. Happy moving!
Good luck with your move Dee! That sucks you didn't want to leave but you will adjust to sharing I'm sure 🙂 I also think it's super cool you have a life coach, how interesting!
Packing is the worst! I'm glad it worked out with your colleague though. Happy moving!
Good luck packing! It's crazy how stuff accumulates. . .I swear, it reproduces when you're not looking.
Thanks Kate! Yeah, I've always wanted to try that out, so I finally decided to do it. Definitely interesting!
Thanks Kate! Really glad it did!
WOW, that video was intense!!! So much love!
Possibly the longest proposal ever. Can you imagine sitting there for 20 minutes knowing that he's proposing yet he's nowhere to be seen? Intense.<br /><br /><br />Best of luck with moving, room mates are great!
I agree!
I ended up sleeping at 3am just to get it done. Nuts.
I agree!
Haha yes, poor girl looked so nervous and like she didn't know how to react! <br /><br /><br />Thanks, my room mate is great indeed!
Haha yes, poor girl looked so nervous and like she didn't know how to react! <br /><br /><br />Thanks, my room mate is great indeed!
Good luck with your move Dee! That sucks you didn't want to leave but you will adjust to sharing I'm sure 🙂 I also think it's super cool you have a life coach, how interesting!
Thanks Kate! Yeah, I've always wanted to try that out, so I finally decided to do it. Definitely interesting!
I ended up sleeping at 3am just to get it done. Nuts.
Possibly the longest proposal ever. Can you imagine sitting there for 20 minutes knowing that he's proposing yet he's nowhere to be seen? Intense.<br /><br /><br />Best of luck with moving, room mates are great!
Good luck packing! It's crazy how stuff accumulates. . .I swear, it reproduces when you're not looking.
WOW, that video was intense!!! So much love!
Thanks Kate! Really glad it did!