I have to admit that most videos on this list are old ones which you’ve probably already seen, but these are oldies but goodies. So if you haven’t seen them yet, now is the time!
(1) When Love Arrives
“I know exactly what love looked like… in seventh grade. Even though I hadn’t met love yet, if love had wandered into my homeroom I would’ve recognized him at first glance. Love played acoustic guitar and knew all my favorite Beatles songs. And I knew, I just must be searching the wrong classrooms, just must be checking the wrong hallways, she was there, I was sure of it. If only I could find him. But when love finally showed up, Love didn’t know anything about The Beatles.”
“Love is not who you were expecting, love is not what you can predict. Maybe love is in New York City, already asleep, and you are in California, Australia, wide awake. Maybe love is always in the wrong time zone, maybe love is not ready for you. Maybe you are not ready for love.”
A really cute poem about love. You can find the full transcript here.
(2) Strangers, Again
“It wasn’t always like this. She used to be my unicorn. You know, unbelievable, crazy-special, the girl I thought could never exist.” The stages of a relationship, starting from stage 1, strangers until stage 7, break up. After which it’s back to stage 1 when you’re strangers, again.
(3) Signs
A really cute short love story told without speaking… just signs. This short film won awards back in 2009.
(4) The Last
“How many girls did you love before me?” a girl asks her boyfriend.
“I loved 5,” he replies.
“What were their names?”
“Who, What, When, Where, Why.”
“Can you tell me about them?”
A thought-provoking narrative that stars Harry Shum Jr from Glee.
(5) We Were Never Ever Actually Together
I just saw this video on Tiffany’s blog today and this was what gave me the idea of today’s Sunday Seven post, actually. It’s a funny parody video of Taylor Swift’s We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together which you can watch here. I love a good parody!
(6) The Matrix Runs on Windows
College Humor is one of my go-to channels for watching funny stuff. This is one of my favorites. What if the Matrix runs on Windows? Hilarity ensues.
(7) How Great Leaders Inspire Action
This is one of my favorite TED Talks. TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a global set of conferences owned by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, formed to disseminate “ideas worth spreading.”
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers. “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
“If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears.”
What are your favorite videos? I’d love to discover new ones. Please share in the comments! 🙂
Signs' my favorite ^_^
Sarah & Phil are my favourite spoken word poets! I know every word of this poem by heart. Have you heard their poem Origin Story?
No I have not! Will have to check that out!
It's a really great vid, a classic!
It's pretty brilliant and is basically guaranteed to blow your mind. Enjoy!
I just watched it. Whoa, blew my mind indeed! What are the chances??
I just watched it. Whoa, blew my mind indeed! What are the chances??
It's pretty brilliant and is basically guaranteed to blow your mind. Enjoy!
Sarah & Phil are my favourite spoken word poets! I know every word of this poem by heart. Have you heard their poem Origin Story?
Signs' my favorite ^_^
No I have not! Will have to check that out!
It's a really great vid, a classic!