Dear lovely ladies,
Sarah and Crystal, thanks for joining my Christmas card exchange!
Rachel and Belinda, I’m glad I saw your tweets asking if anyone wanted to receive actual postcards from you. Thanks for sending these pretty postcards!
Dred, thanks so much for your super touching note inside your Christmas card. Ditto on everything!
| Midnight Rambler | Postcards from Rachel |
| Tobago Woman | Kiss and Tell | Found Love, Now What? |
Dear Dentist Specialist,
Thank you for doing my impacted wisdom tooth surgery for me and not charging me the extra S$800 on top of what is covered by my company insurance because I was not informed that I was being referred to a specialist and I seemed like a nice lady, in your words.
You were right, there really is a difference when a specialist does it. Even getting injected with anesthesia, which normally hurts, didn’t, thanks to your massaging technique. And I can’t believe you sawed through my gums and pulled out my huge tooth in 2 minutes or less. Wow. That wasn’t the case when I had my other impacted wisdom tooth pulled some years ago. I’m glad you used dissolvable stitches on my gums too, so that I don’t need to come back for another appointment. And yay, I don’t have a huge bruise on my jaw unlike what happened last time when I did and it became a starting point for conversations for two weeks.
I’m also glad you gave me two kinds of pain killers because I really needed them, it turns out. Eeks.
Dear TV,
I didn’t realize how much I missed you. I mean, yes, I still do watch TV shows on my laptop, but it’s different watching cable shows on an actual big screen telly. (Ooh… look who’s using British terms.)
It was such a treat to surf channels and come across shows I otherwise wouldn’t have watched, like New Girl, Scrubs, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Ghost Whisperer (oh look, isn’t that Mike Ross from Suits?) and a blast from the past, a Charmed rerun! Charmed used to be my most favorite TV show back in high school. I remember how I used to unplug our landline every time it was on so that no one would disturb me.
So even though the whole tooth surgery kind of hurts and it’s hard to eat when you can chew using only one side of your mouth, I’m glad I got the sick leaves which gave me a chance to relax at home and experience this all over again.
Here are links to some interesting articles!
- 100 Most Powerful Moments of 2013 in Photos
- Father Retakes Photos Wedding Photos with his 3-Year-Old in Mom’s Memory
- 21 Things You Should Throw Away Right Now
- 16 Books to Read Before They Hit Theatres This Year
- “Open When” Letters
Let’s connect!
Balls! Mail to and from England must be rubbish right now if mine still isn't there! And my snail mail partner for this last month hasn't received my parcel and I haven't received her. Maybe I should write an angry letter to Royal Mail…x
Philippine post has the same problem. I mailed a Christmas package to my friends on the second week of December and it still hasn't arrived! So frustrating. And it's just in Asia! Ugh.
Philippine post has the same problem. I mailed a Christmas package to my friends on the second week of December and it still hasn't arrived! So frustrating. And it's just in Asia! Ugh.
Balls! Mail to and from England must be rubbish right now if mine still isn't there! And my snail mail partner for this last month hasn't received my parcel and I haven't received her. Maybe I should write an angry letter to Royal Mail…x