Remember how a couple of weeks ago it was my supervisor’s birthday and we tried to surprise her and it kind of failed? Well last week, another one of my team mates was having a birthday, so we got her a cake too, and I was asked if we were going to surprise her again, in the IM conversation below.
Activate homie planning skills in
tell me a planMe:
umm no need
cake will do
coz if we plan a surprise it will be sabotaged somehow
ooooor! we can do a barney* bachelor party
which means we give her the worst bday of her life
camille talks to her and fires her
then raw gets kidnapped and alvin calls tina and says u need to come to the tree with the purple blossoms outside your bldg at 5pm with 2000 cash for ransom
and then surprise! we’re all there w cakeHari
holy shit
At this point Hari burst out laughing and pasted our conversation in the group chat.
imagine if we actually did that lol
tina will kill usHari
camille be damn mean to tina and say u need to talk to her at 4ish
power organising committeeHari
maybe no need kidnapping
u know so that we dun go to JAIL OR ANYTHINGRaw
you wanna go to jail or you wanna go home?Hari
haha raw…”training day” ref…i see what you did thereMei Ling
what if she calls the police???
Well obviously we didn’t do the plan on account of the police and all. So we just pulled her to the pantry at 5pm and had a group selfie with the cake.

If only Hari’s arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars
And then we ate it because that’s what cakes are for obvs.
I told Tina about our plan. She asked why we didn’t push through with it.
“Because we were afraid you would be like Taken!” Gopi answered, as he used his hand to mimic a phone over his ear. “I don’t have any money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills…”
“Reconciling skills,” I jumped in.
“I will find you,” Hari took over, “And I will make sure you are zero.”
Raw nearly choked on his cake at this point.
And for the rest of the day, sets of skills became our running joke. Like when everyone commented at how fast I uploaded the above photo on Facebook, I said, “It’s in my set of skills!”
P.S. Just in case you don’t get the reference, here is the Taken scene we were talking about:
*Barney refers to Barney Stinson from HIMYM, and I actually sort of pulled off that episode being referred to for my friend Nantoy’s farewell party.
That is awesome and I am jealous of all the cake you get to eat!
Haha sounds like you and your co-workers have a great time together!
Great dialogue, Dee 🙂
Thanks but too much cake is not good either lol.
Thanks, we do indeed. 😛
Thanks! Maybe you can work this into your script!
Thanks but too much cake is not good either lol.
Thanks, we do indeed. 😛
Haha sounds like you and your co-workers have a great time together!
Thanks! Maybe you can work this into your script!
Great dialogue, Dee 🙂
That is awesome and I am jealous of all the cake you get to eat!