We had cassette tapes instead of CD’s or Itunes. When I wanted my own copy of a song but didn’t have enough money to buy the album, I would wait for it to play on the radio and record the song playing on a blank tape. I also did this with songs on my favorite cartoon show which happened to be a musical, Jem and the Holograms.
If I wanted to watch a TV show, I had to know when exactly it was on by using the cable guide, clear my schedule for it, and make sure I had no other competition for the TV. I think 90% of my fights with my brother were over the remote.
Pictures were usually reserved for special occasions, because film was expensive and not everyone owned a camera. When a picture was taken, we wouldn’t see it until days or even weeks later, after the camera owner had finished the entire 12 or 24 or 36 shots of the film and had it developed. Sometimes we’d discover to our chagrin that the photographer was terrible at taking pics and had cut off other people’s heads, like this:

… or that the film had been exposed and ruined all the pictures. Usually the first shot of each roll would be part exposed and ruined, like this:

When I wanted to use a computer, I had to go to the school’s computer lab or rent a PC in an internet cafe. There was no social media yet, so I wasted my time forwarding emails to Yahoo groups or chatting on MIRC.
Cell phones were outrageously expensive. Only two of my classmates had one, and I wondered why they were constantly dialing. Turns out they were texting. 🤦🏻♀️
When we had a project that needed research, such as a term paper, we went to the library and used the card catalogue to locate books. If the book we needed had been checked out by someone else, there was nothing we could do but cry. Actually it wasn’t just school-related learning that was limited, but all kinds, like this comic aptly captures:

So… what was it like back in your day? Please share! 🙂

This post is part of the A to Z Challenge, a blog hop that goes through the alphabet for all the days of April except Sundays.

You would not believe the things I remember from back in my day! I remember how excited my mom was to get a bath tub put in our house. Before that we would bathe in the kitchen in a round metal tub. <br />We got our first phone in the house when I was 7. Before that we used the neighbors if there was an emergency. Only 1 person on our block had a phone. When you wanted to call you picked it up
I really miss the anticipation of getting a roll of filmed developed and then the sadness when you did not look like you had thought!
Cassette tapes? I'm from the eight-track tape generation. 🙂 An oldie but goodie. Your post is great and the photos are fun.<br /><br />From an A to Z follower, <br /><br />Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
It was horrible when you waited MONTHS to get pictures developed and then discovered it was ruined! Thanks for linking up!!
You would not believe the things I remember from back in my day! I remember how excited my mom was to get a bath tub put in our house. Before that we would bathe in the kitchen in a round metal tub. <br />We got our first phone in the house when I was 7. Before that we used the neighbors if there was an emergency. Only 1 person on our block had a phone. When you wanted to call you picked it up
I sometimes miss the times when I taped things on a cassette, and wrote old fahion letters. Fun post! I am doing a throwback post tomorrow, but it is not Wednesday yet here, so it will go live a midnight.
That comic is hilarious! So true. 🙂 I loved reading this. I've seen a couple of these today and enjoyed all of them. Thanks for sharing!
Hahaha! Omg you should totally recreate that birthday photo!
ohh this was a nice post and I want to look back and think about my life so far..somethings like cassettes that no longer are there<br /><br /><a href="http://nabanita-blacknwhite.blogspot.in/2014/04/t-is-for-tired.html" rel="nofollow">T for Tired-Random Thoughts Naba</a>
This is so nostalgic ! Even I had to go to Library & read books to know more.I had not even heard of computers.Telephone was a rarity.So similar !
Awesomest post dee. U have no idea how much I loved reading this. I ECHO whatever u said . specially that camera roll and the tape part and also recording songs. every word hit me hard and am in a valley of nostalgia now <br /><br /><3
I love your pictures! And I totally remember the first photo being exposed! Or if you didn't wind the film right, they would all be in half! Jem was my favorite! Did you hear they're making a live-action movie out of it? Crazy!
We are too spoiled these days!
Ooh, that's interesting, I didn't even know about eight-track tapes until you brought it up!
I agree, oh the heartache that ensued!
Wow life has changed A LOT for you! I have to agree with you that I won't go bak to the "good old days." Life is a lot better now!
Ah yes, old fashioned letters! I used to write a lot of those! Will check out your post.
Thanks too!
Hahaha what a great idea! Will have to see if I can.
Yes, it's crazy how much has changed in the span of a few – ok a lot of – years!
We were both children of the 90's. 🙂
Glad you loved it! Nostalgia is sweet.
What? No I didn't hear about that! That's crazy! But I kind of wanna watch it? Help.
Back in my day there were dragons and knights and prissy princesses in glorious frocks. Ok, I'm with you. I remember tightening casette tapes when they spewed out with a pencil. Thems were the days!
I want to see it too! I'm scared they'll ruin it, but I have to see for myself. Here's an article: http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/jem-remake-costumes?mbid=social_twitter
Ooh, thanks for sharing the link! I think I'll definitely watch it, as well as the Sweet Valley High movie they are supposedly making.
Hahaha we both remember dragons! Specifically Puff!<br />And yes I remember using pencils/pens to tighten or rewind cassette tapes!
Thanks for the info, loved learning something new! 🙂
Yup. That was pretty much it for me too, except when I was young, we had a record player in the front room. Of course Dad got the latest and greatest of everything so we had a computer–one of two on our entire street. When I was a teen, I'd call into the radio station and ask them to play whichever song it was I wanted to record, then sit there, fingers propped over the record button every
Great post! I enjoyed looking back … Stopping by from AtoZ. 🙂 Arl@ http://arlsworld.wordpress.com/
YES! Me too!!
Oh the film! I have so many terrible photos I've kept. Also, getting doubles of photos was a big thing for me. <br /><br /><br />Thanks for linking up!
My day was the same as yours! I remember in my teens 'shockproof' walkmans came out… only they weren't shockproof at all haha. It's amazing how much technology has changed in such a small space of time xo
Wow, lucky you! We didn't have a landline until I was a high school senior, so I couldn't call the radio, unfortunately.
Yes, we had to borrow the negatives and have it developed to have our own copies.
I really miss the anticipation of getting a roll of filmed developed and then the sadness when you did not look like you had thought!
That comic is hilarious! So true. 🙂 I loved reading this. I've seen a couple of these today and enjoyed all of them. Thanks for sharing!
Hahaha! Omg you should totally recreate that birthday photo!
I sometimes miss the times when I taped things on a cassette, and wrote old fahion letters. Fun post! I am doing a throwback post tomorrow, but it is not Wednesday yet here, so it will go live a midnight.
Cassette tapes? I'm from the eight-track tape generation. 🙂 An oldie but goodie. Your post is great and the photos are fun.<br /><br />From an A to Z follower, <br /><br />Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
It was horrible when you waited MONTHS to get pictures developed and then discovered it was ruined! Thanks for linking up!!
ohh this was a nice post and I want to look back and think about my life so far..somethings like cassettes that no longer are there<br /><br /><a href="http://nabanita-blacknwhite.blogspot.in/2014/04/t-is-for-tired.html" rel="nofollow">T for Tired-Random Thoughts Naba</a>
I agree, oh the heartache that ensued!
Ooh, that's interesting, I didn't even know about eight-track tapes until you brought it up!
This is so nostalgic ! Even I had to go to Library & read books to know more.I had not even heard of computers.Telephone was a rarity.So similar !
We are too spoiled these days!
Hahaha what a great idea! Will have to see if I can.
Awesomest post dee. U have no idea how much I loved reading this. I ECHO whatever u said . specially that camera roll and the tape part and also recording songs. every word hit me hard and am in a valley of nostalgia now <br /><br /><3
I love your pictures! And I totally remember the first photo being exposed! Or if you didn't wind the film right, they would all be in half! Jem was my favorite! Did you hear they're making a live-action movie out of it? Crazy!
Thanks too!
Ah yes, old fashioned letters! I used to write a lot of those! Will check out your post.
Wow life has changed A LOT for you! I have to agree with you that I won't go bak to the "good old days." Life is a lot better now!
Yes, it's crazy how much has changed in the span of a few – ok a lot of – years!
What? No I didn't hear about that! That's crazy! But I kind of wanna watch it? Help.
Back in my day there were dragons and knights and prissy princesses in glorious frocks. Ok, I'm with you. I remember tightening casette tapes when they spewed out with a pencil. Thems were the days!
Glad you loved it! Nostalgia is sweet.
I want to see it too! I'm scared they'll ruin it, but I have to see for myself. Here's an article: http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/jem-remake-costumes?mbid=social_twitter
Thanks for the info, loved learning something new! 🙂
YES! Me too!!
My day was the same as yours! I remember in my teens 'shockproof' walkmans came out… only they weren't shockproof at all haha. It's amazing how much technology has changed in such a small space of time xo
Hahaha we both remember dragons! Specifically Puff!<br />And yes I remember using pencils/pens to tighten or rewind cassette tapes!
Ooh, thanks for sharing the link! I think I'll definitely watch it, as well as the Sweet Valley High movie they are supposedly making.
Yup. That was pretty much it for me too, except when I was young, we had a record player in the front room. Of course Dad got the latest and greatest of everything so we had a computer–one of two on our entire street. When I was a teen, I'd call into the radio station and ask them to play whichever song it was I wanted to record, then sit there, fingers propped over the record button every
Wow, lucky you! We didn't have a landline until I was a high school senior, so I couldn't call the radio, unfortunately.
Great post! I enjoyed looking back … Stopping by from AtoZ. 🙂 Arl@ http://arlsworld.wordpress.com/
We were both children of the 90's. 🙂
Oh the film! I have so many terrible photos I've kept. Also, getting doubles of photos was a big thing for me. <br /><br /><br />Thanks for linking up!
Yes, we had to borrow the negatives and have it developed to have our own copies.