Whenever I see the word “adventure” what immediately comes to mind is the movie The Hobbit.
At the start of the movie, Gandalf paid a visit to Bilbo. “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging,” he said, “and it’s very difficult to find anyone.”
“I should think so – in these parts!” Bilbo agreed. “We are plain quiet folk who have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.”
“You’ll have a tale or two when you come back,” Gandalf explained.
“You can promise that I’ll come back?” Bilbo asked.
“No,” Gandalf replied. “And if you do, you will not be the same.”
We all know how that story continued.
Bilbo went off on an adventure, and when he came back he was not the same, and had one hell of a tale to tell.
I can’t help but think, what if he had never gone, because he never wanted to leave the comfort of his lovely little hobbit hole?
That story never would have been an interesting book or movie, am I right?
That struck a chord in me because ever since I hit my thirties, I became like Bilbo… the old Bilbo, that is, the one who thought that adventures were uncomfortable things and would rather stay at home and be comfortable because it was too tiring and troublesome to go out.
I used to be the girl who was always on the go, the one who was rarely ever at home on weekends because that was far too boring, the girl who grabbed every opportunity to travel and try something new, the girl who was given a pillow shaped like a foot for her “something that represents you” because she had “itchy” feet.
Nowadays, I prefer staying in and lying on the couch or bed while binge-watching TV shows and stuffing my face full of junk food.
During one such instance, I was watching Sex and the City reruns on cable when I saw an episode where a friend of Carrie told her: “One day, you’ll wake up and not recognize yourself.”
That’s when it hit me… that had already happened to me.
Sob. I need to get my sense of adventure back.
It’s so easy to lose yourself, especially when you stop doing the things you love.
Maybe grab a book and head somewhere you’ve been meaning to go xxx
Great idea, I should do that sometime! xx
Oh, Dee! This post resonates with me so much! And what a moving photo you took –to look at ourselves in the mirror and realize that we’ve lost a part of our old selves.
I used to be really adventurous too, but time, and children, and experience has made me a bit more cautious and practical. I’ll rationalize all sorts of reasons as to why I shouldn’t partake in certain adventures, even though deep inside I want to do them!
Maybe we should make a little pact 🙂 Let’s pick one small adventure we can each go on and hold each other accountable to doing it! The best part will be that we can actually blog about it and share pictures. Whatdya say?
What worries me is I’m not even married with kids yet and I’m already like this.
Sounds like a great plan, count me in! 🙂
Alright! I pledge to take a hike somewhere by the end of the month. You?
Funny timing. I was just wondering what to pledge when my friend suddenly texted, inviting me to join a charity event! It’s something new, so I’ll count that as an “adventure.”
It’s so easy to lose yourself, especially when you stop doing the things you love.
Maybe grab a book and head somewhere you’ve been meaning to go xxx
Great idea, I should do that sometime! xx
Oh, Dee! This post resonates with me so much! And what a moving photo you took –to look at ourselves in the mirror and realize that we’ve lost a part of our old selves.
I used to be really adventurous too, but time, and children, and experience has made me a bit more cautious and practical. I’ll rationalize all sorts of reasons as to why I shouldn’t partake in certain adventures, even though deep inside I want to do them!
Maybe we should make a little pact 🙂 Let’s pick one small adventure we can each go on and hold each other accountable to doing it! The best part will be that we can actually blog about it and share pictures. Whatdya say?
What worries me is I’m not even married with kids yet and I’m already like this.
Sounds like a great plan, count me in! 🙂
Alright! I pledge to take a hike somewhere by the end of the month. You?
Funny timing. I was just wondering what to pledge when my friend suddenly texted, inviting me to join a charity event! It’s something new, so I’ll count that as an “adventure.”