Look at what my teammate did to our manager’s desk while he was off on vacation a few weeks ago.
And look at what he did to our VP’s keyboard! 😂
He didn’t really plant them, coz I said he would destroy office property. So he just cut up some herbs.
Most people wouldn’t do that to their bosses but our team is so cool. In fact it was our VP who first pranked him by taking away his keyboard when he was away last time, so this is his revenge. 😂
This happened on a Friday because both were due to come back on Monday. Then the weekend went and Monday came.
Too bad the prank dried up! 😅
I still showed the before picture to our VP and she laughed heartily at the intent.
As for the other prank, it still held up, and our manager came and saw and asked us to take a photo of him on his newspaper desk. 😄
What’s the funniest office prank you have witnessed?
Haha, it’s great when you have a good working relationship with your bosses.
Innocent smoothies do the best pranks, they once sprinkled cress seeds into the keyboard whilst a colleague was away on a long vacation, and they also swapped out the filling in Oreos and put toothpaste in it! xo
Haha, it’s great when you have a good working relationship with your bosses.
Innocent smoothies do the best pranks, they once sprinkled cress seeds into the keyboard whilst a colleague was away on a long vacation, and they also swapped out the filling in Oreos and put toothpaste in it! xo