My friend Chi was in Singapore for a business trip, so Gelle and I met up with her in Pasarbella in Suntec at her suggestion.
I had never been to Pasarbella before, so imagine my pleasant surprise when I saw its entrance. So pretty!
The inside was so pretty as well. It’s like a high end food court, where you have the choice of buying from several different restaurant stalls but eating them in one dining area.
The advantage of this is that you can  mix and match.
I ended up ordering this delicious buttermilk fried chicken burger with extra bacon and a side order of truffle fries from Wolf Burger.
Then I had a passionfruit mint tea from the drinks bar.
Then when I sat down to wolf down my Wolf burger (pun completely intended), Chi had a surprise for me – a tube of Silky Girl Matte Junkie lip cream. Thank you Chi!!!
We stayed for a while to enjoy our meals and conversations.
But after we were done with our food, Chi wanted to have coffee, so we got up and went into the mall and Gelle led us to Olivia, one of her favourite cafes in the middle of the mall.
We fell in love with it because it was so spacious and the couch looked inviting, especially those UK pillows, which reminded us of AA, the fourth member of our gang who wasn’t with us because she’s in London!
But I also really loved it because of the purple vespa decorating the front.
We caught up over flat whites and mocha, talking about future plans and marvelling at how much life has changed since we were 20-somethings who first bonded in Singapore.

This is how we really look like most of the time

Chi’s expression – LOL!
Just as the cafe was closing, Joey (Gelle’s hubby) showed up with gigantic bowls of Llaollao frozen yogurt so that Chi could try it. So even though we were so full, we finished eating them before flagging cabs to bring us home.
I’m always super happy whenever Chi drops by Singapore!
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