You’re a wizard, Heidee.
Over dinner last night, my teammate Yan Ming was hatching several Pokemon eggs and was complaining about all the lousy pokemon coming up.
“Why can’t I get a lapras?” he groaned.
I put my fist over the next egg in the act of hatching. “Alakazam!” I exclaimed as I spread my fingers.
To our surprise, out popped a lapras.
“Omigod!” He cried in disbelief. “Why do weird things always happen when you utter strange phrases?”
He was referring to that time when there was a raffle draw during our D&D and I had set my sights on a prize – travel vouchers.
“Come to mama!” I had said as I rubbed my hands together in glee.
“And the winner is – ” our MD announced onstage.
“- me!” I declared at the same time he said my name, much to everyone on our table’s amazement.
So you see, I really might be a wizard.
Or at least that’s what I saw when I looked into the mirror of erised.
Haha well if it’s happened twice you MUST be a wizard Dee!
If I won a voucher I’d head to Iceland – been dying to get over there but torn as to weather to go in winter or summer! x
Haha well if it’s happened twice you MUST be a wizard Dee!
If I won a voucher I’d head to Iceland – been dying to get over there but torn as to weather to go in winter or summer! x