Last week I discovered Sparks, by DBS, is an industry-first mini-series that follows a group of young bankers as they navigate work and personal lives. Inspired by true stories, they challenge the status quo to go above and beyond when solving unusual client challenges. Through this mini-series, DBS hopes to convey the true meaning of banking, and to challenge the perception that banking is only about transactions.
This reflects the bank’s commitment to understand what matters in life, and integrate banking seamlessly with everyday living. DBS believes in going the extra mile for customers so that they can achieve their dreams and get more out of life. To make things happen, while leaving them with time and space to do what matters the most.
DBS continues to embrace innovation and digital banking, reinventing our branding and marketing strategy to create content that sparks conversations and meaningful experiences, speaking to our customers in a genuine and relatable manner. As we continuously look to redefine banking, Sparks is one of our ways of disrupting the industry via digitally oriented content marketing.
To be honest, I wasn’t really interested in it at first because who wants to watch a show about bankers, right? This coming from me, who works in finance, which is in the same industry. 😅
But when I started it, I was surprised to find that it’s actually interesting. The actors are pretty good (professional ones from Hong Kong and Singapore), the soundtrack is on point, and the stories are heartwarming. I ended up binge-watching all available 6 episodes in one night. Most of the episodes were less than 10 minutes, so it was pretty easy to do.
Click here to watch all episodes of Sparks, or watch them below:
Episode 1: In this pilot, Claire Lee, a relationship manager, is introduced to cocky, Oxford-educated Jasper Wu, her new colleague. Sparks fly when they meet. A reluctant Claire is asked to show Jasper around, and then to visit a potential client together.
You can do the same and win S$30 Deliveroo credits from my raffle giveaway which you can join by either of the below steps:
Option 1: Take a photo that shows how you enjoy SPARKS with your favourite binge-watching snack and share the photo on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or Dayre with the hashtag #BingeWatchSparks and tag me (@deecoded on IG/Twitter/Dayre, Deecodedblog on FB)
Option 2: Leave a comment on my relevant post on Instagram or Facebook or Dayre or this blog on what you like about the Sparks mini series.
For either option to be counted as an entry, make sure you’re following me on the medium used (Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Dayre).
Entries on different platforms count as separate entries. For example if you posted on both Instagram and Facebook, they are considered as 2 entries.
You can double your winnings and win another $30 Deliveroo voucher from DBS by doing below:
1. Snap a picture to show how you enjoy binge-watching Sparks with your favourite snack.
2. Head over to and leave your entry as a comment.
3. Remember to hashtag #sparkswithdeecoded
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