Remember Bryce, the little boy I brought to Wild Wild Wet last time? Well he turned 4 last Friday, so his parents, my friends Brian and Elma, celebrated it with a staycation in a hotel and asked me and our other LZ friends to drop by for dinner.
I had a funny moment in the lift on the way to their floor. When I pressed the floor level, it wouldn’t stay lit, but some other gentleman used his card to press it again, and it did.
“Oh, thank you,” I said gratefully.
“I’m going to the same place as you,” he replied.
“Was he handsome?” Elma and Brian asked me when I told them about this coincidence later.
“Umm… no?” I laughed. “Also, the moment he got off the lift he just went on his way and we didn’t really talk.”
“Too bad!” Elma quipped. “If you had ended up together it would have been serendipity.”
Too bad, indeed. ๐
But if one gentleman wasn’t excited to see me that not night, another one was. That is, if you can consider 4 year old boys as gentlemen.
“You again?!?” Bryce happily gasped when I stepped into their hotel. He recognized me!
“Yes, happy birthday Bryce!” I greeted. “Here’s a gift for you.”
“Again?!?” He chirped, then tore off the paper wrapping so quickly.
He was psyched to see Spiderman inside. “Spiderman is my favourite! I have two other Spiderman toys at home. No… three. So this is number four.” He happily vroomed Spidey off on his motorcycle all over the hotel room.
Meanwhile, we were amused when we realized that my dress matched some of the decor.
Shortly after that, another little boy arrived – Karl, accompanied by his parents Kris and Carlo. Since Karl is younger than Bryce, Alyn referred to Bryce as “Kuya Bryce” to which he complained, “Don’t call me Kuya Bryce! Just Bryce!” Brian then had to explain that “Kuya” means big brother, so he is kuya to Karl. ๐
We were complete then, so we kicked off the festivities by singing the birthday song… which ended up with the birthday boy biting the cake. ๐

After that, we all dug into the food.
Then Brian and Elma brought out some tiny coloring canvases which we could paint on. It was surprisingly fun – not for the kids, who were done with them in about 2 minutes – but for the adults, who were all of a sudden very serious about painting. Seriously, you’d think we were either being graded by our MAPE (Music, Art & Physical Education) teachers afterwards, or on our way to becoming the next Van Gogh. ๐
We then asked the birthday boy to judge which painting was nicest.
After that we just watched the little boys dance, which was pretty hilarious.

It was a simple yet fun get together, thanks to the kids and their hilarious antics! ๐
P. S. Our community has gotten a lot smaller yet again, because Gay and Leo have left Singapore to move to Canada for good. I wasn’t able to blog about our farewell dinner for them, but below is a picture of me and Gay on her last day in Singapore last month.
Let’s connect!
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IT’s always so difficult when people move away! Looks like the lil one had a lovely birthday though, his cake look delicious x
IT’s always so difficult when people move away! Looks like the lil one had a lovely birthday though, his cake look delicious x