Last Tuesday, I got a delivery and this email.

It was this Instant Pot lid.

However, I don’t have an Instant Pot.

Translation in nutshell: I told them I had received the lid and we all thought that was hilarious, them joking that they knew that I really wanted a lid and me saying that I had always wanted one as a kid – specifically a Sustagen lid so I could exchange it for… what was it, actually? Toys, I guess.
But today, I finally got the rest of the gift!

I asked them what’s the best easy dish to cook in here and Chi quickly sent the recipe for bistek tagalog.

I went through the ingredients list and thought to myself, hey, I have everything! I can do this!
Then I realized I don’t have the beef. And isn’t that the most important thing? 😅
So I will have to shop for groceries and watch some Youtube videos before taking my new baby out for a spin.
Aren’t my friends the best?

It’s not just the advance birthday gift that makes them so, but the fact that they are still always there for me, despite being far away in UK, Philippines, and Australia.
They always say it’s tough to make long distance relationships work, but it is possible, if all parties involved make an effort at communication.
Thank you, meanies! Love you!
Hhahaha same as receiving a car freshener as a gift and i said what about the car? 10 years later im still waiting for the car zzz