A lot of people will look at this year as the year when nothing happened, but as a friend reminded me in the Christmas card she sent me, I actually accomplished a lot of things this year.

- Travel – I’m glad I had a chance to travel to El Nido, Palawan on the first of January, when the world was still normal and there was no whiff of the virus yet.
- I randomly sent my CV to a friend and this somehow ended up in a job offer for a higher position. All good but there’s one catch – it’s in Hong Kong.
- My friends threw virtual farewell parties for me and gave me generous gifts.
- I moved countries in the middle of a pandemic. I had to be quarantined in a hotel room for 2 weeks while wearing a clunky wrist tracker.
- After 6 weeks in a hotel, I moved to a flat all to myself, which had always been my dream.
- I went to work in an office in a fancy building for a few weeks until the covid-19 cases spiked and I had to work from home. Pandemic loneliness is real.
- I booked a staycation to celebrate my birthday.
- My friend Rey and I got bored at home and decided to start a podcast. We got nominated for a Golden Crane podcast award by the Asian American Podcasters Association which was an honor, even if we didn’t win.
- I went hiking with colleagues and ended up making friends with a colleague and his wife, who happen to know some close friends of mine.
- I celebrated Christmas with these new friends.
More accomplishments – all the TV shows I binged. Haha! Please listen to the list of shows I found binge-worthy!
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