Today’s post will be short but sweet.
I left my cellphone in the seat of my Uber this morning.

Luckily I still have my old phone and I managed to get my sim card replaced immediately so I got my Apple ID back and everything.
At least I didn’t lose my whole bag with everything in it, or my passport and national ID at the same time. Yes, those both happened to me. I know, I am such a loser. Loser. Get it?
I lodged a police report but I am not hoping for that to amount to anything because the two times I made a loss report to the police before, nothing happened. Granted, that was in Singapore, but why should Hong Kong police be any better?
That’s it. Bye.
P. S. I reread my lost bag blog post and got inspired by something I wrote back then. So while it hurts, I will move on.
The only thing that kept me from crying were the words of Tyler Durden (from the movie Fight Club) echoing in my head – “The things you own end up owning you.” I was not about to let that happen.
I am trying to get over my loss. But until now I’m still in the denial stage. Sigh. But I always move on. I’m just thankful that what I lost are replaceable. At least I didn’t lose people or body parts. There’s always something to be grateful for.
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