Last week, I was having lunch with a colleague in the pantry when we got to talking about her dog. She said that she loves her dog so much to the point that she thinks she might be crazy.
“Oh trust me, you are not,” I assured her. “I have friends who are just like you. In fact two of them told me I was their dogs’ godmother.”
“Oh my God, you have goddogs!” she laughed.
I was amazed that she also used that term, because a friend of mine had said the same thing to me a few years ago and that’s when I blogged about my first goddog, Coffee.
A few months after that, my friend Dred (or Millie, as she is known now) moved to Canada and finally fulfilled two of her big dreams – to have a dog and a boyfriend. Guess which one was the top priority?
Yes it was the dog, you can hear her talk about that on our podcast episode about shopping, it’s hilarious.
Anyway, she diligently looked for a corgi puppy, found one, and named her Coco.

I think it’s supposed to be short for Coco Chanel, maybe because we used to have a neighbour dog named Gucci and we used to joke that she should also get a dog named Prada? Or maybe not.
So Coco was also declared to be my goddog and it’s funny because I have more goddogs than godchildren (yes, I have just the one). Is this a new millennial trend? 😅
Coco is a smart little cookie who is easily teachable and knows how to do tricks, like doga. Coz dog + yoga, get it?

Okay, maybe she doesn’t actually know how to do yoga. But wouldn’t it be neat if she could do a downward facing dog position?
Coco is so cute and reminds me of Cheddar from Brooklyn Nine Nine. I wish I could play with her in person but Canada is so far away. So for now I’ll have to make do with pictures.

Actually, I’m not sure if all seasons are correctly labelled. 😅
I really love the winter pic, though! It’s so beautiful and worth framing on the wall!
Here’s a bonus pic of Coco’s sister:

I hope someday I can have a black and white kitty that Coco will get along with!
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