The Friends Reunion trailer dropped last week and I was surprised at all the feels I got while watching it.
Here it is in case you haven’t seen it:
I think I was emotional because first, they were all so much older compared to the last time I had seen most of them. I like to rewatch the series, as one of my friends just pointed out yesterday.

It’s jarring to see them in their thirties one day and suddenly in their fifties the next.

Their much older appearance made me realize how old I’ve become, too, and the reminder of the passage of time is usually a trigger for a lot of emotions for most people.
Another thing that makes it emotional is the nostalgia. Seeing them all together again brought me back to the time when I first watched Friends in completion, which was a year after they wrapped up. I was working in Makati, in my early twenties and living with friends, just as they were.

I wasn’t the only one who felt this because there was someone who commented this on Reddit:

When I showed this to my own friends, one of them said she was surprised that she wanted to cry.
Me too, babe. Me too.
Now some people are disappointed that this reunion isn’t a scripted one but maybe it’s better this way, so as not to taint their legacy.

While I do like my level of comfort in life right now, I have to admit that I do really miss the days when I was living with friends-turned-family.
I hope someday I’ll get a chance to be neighbours with close friends again.
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