It used to be tradition to catch Avengers films in the cinema with my friends. I was going to let Black Widow slide but… I just couldn’t do it. It’s weird just how much you miss the little things, no?

Luckily I did end up with a buddy at the cinema. 🤣

Black Widow is a skippable film, and by that I mean it’s standalone and you probably don’t need to watch it to understand the rest of the MCU films.
Also, in my opinion it’s not really top tier MCU. So if you’re not vaccinated or you can’t go to the cinema yet, don’t get FOMO. This isn’t worth the risk.
It is a fun spy action film, with lots of cool fight scenes and explosions, but some of the comedic quips just didn’t land. And I don’t know if I expected too much or what but it just didn’t wow me. I would say it has a similar tone to Captain America: Winter Soldier on Disney+ but that one was definitely better.
Florence Pugh stole the show, by the way. Girl’s got range.

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