Hong Kong has been hit by almost back to back typhoon signal number 8s these past few days, so it was great to see the sun again today, especially at the beach. My friend May and I had signed up for a Girl Gone International* beach day which was held at Repulse Bay.
We first met up with another girl that May had met at another GGI event and had lunch at an Italian restaurant called Amalfitana. We ordered burrata, eggplant lasagna, and a pizza and it was just enough for three women to share. We were really glad we didn’t go for a second pizza because we never would have finished it. We also really loved the food, they were all delicious. I think my favourite was the burrata.

After that, we headed towards the beach. The event organizer had posted that they were under the third tree behind lifeguard tower 2. When we got there, we saw some girls had laid out some beach mats and towels under a tree whose branches made a lovely shade from the hot sun.

We placed all the food (fruits, cookies, bread, chocolates) and drinks (Prosecco) we brought at the center of the mats and towels. We had a picnic and chatted for more than three hours. It was fun talking about all sorts of things with these women who had come from all over the world. I’m definitely glad I came out today!

*Girl Gone International is a Facebook group for meeting friends and creating community. There are over 200 local GGI groups all over the world, including in Hong Kong. GGI is a fun, friendly local and global community offering friendship, connection, belonging, empowerment and happiness to women and non-binary people living overseas or far from home.
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