I have wanted a cat for so long. But I told myself I’d only get one once I was at my “forever place.”
But this year I thought: who knows when I’d ever get there?? If this pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that life is too short to be constantly waiting before being happy.
So, last August 28, I brought home this cutie:

He’s a blue bi color ragdoll who was almost 2 years old at that point (he turned 2 in Sep 15). He didn’t leave the carrier the whole night.
The next morning when I woke up, I thought I had lost him because he was missing. Turns out he had hidden under the couch.
He stayed there most of the day and only ventured out and poked around after 29 hours of me bringing him home.
He was afraid of me for a long time and would fearfully come out to eat but then run back under the couch if I so much as shot him a look.
On September 6, I had to chase him all over the living room and eventually had to throw a blanket over him just so I could catch him and put him in his carrier, and bring him to the groomer and the vet.
He was not at all happy about taking a bath and he meowed the entire time. But he never hissed or scratched, and both groomer and vet commented that he was an unusually gentle cat.
After that, he was more open to being petted.
And now, on most mornings he still doesn’t want me touching him but on most nights, he voluntarily jumps up on the couch next to me for scritches, and goes belly up while purring.
So yes, my flat is messier, at dawn it’s noisier, and I have more responsibilities and anxieties now, but petting him or even just looking at him makes my heart so full, it’s so worth it.
I wish I had done this last year when I badly needed a companion while I was locked down.

I love you, Froyo. Even if you look like an angry kitty most of the time. 😂
Omg so cute!!! Such nice fur haha. Cats don’t openly give affection but we’ll take what we can when they make lambing hahaha.