Now that I have a few Filipino friends in Hong Kong, we planned a Christmas party to start on the afternoon of Christmas day itself. Since none of us had a big enough apartment to fit everyone, we decided to book three hotel rooms with one of them having a kitchenette where we could house the festivities. The hotel we found for that was Garden View Hotel.

The room with the kitchenette was quite spacious, just perfect for the activities we planned.
We had ordered a noche buena package and a lechon belly from The Fat Cusina, a Filipino caterer on Instagram. The description said it was good for 5 people but it definitely was for way more than that.

May had also ordered some cute Christmas-themed cupcakes.

While checking in, I met Roselle, who was King’s friend. When she asked me where I worked, I told her, and was surprised when she said that she knew one of my colleagues. “It’s Adrian,” she said.
“OMG that’s the other guest who is coming later, too!” I laughed in disbelief. “What a small world!”

For entertainment, we played board games brought by Beulah and charades which I hosted. We also did a Kris Kringle gift exchange using

At the end of the night, we had so much food left over, but they could not all possibly fit into the small fridge, so we decided to turn the airconditioner on as cold as it could get in the living room, to keep the food refrigerated overnight, then we could eat them for breakfast the next day.
The next morning, we realized that we had finished all the rice and the food just wouldn’t taste good without some, so Beulah went on Foodpanda and found out that we could order rice from Jollibee and since they did not require a minimum amount to order, we just ordered 6 cups of rice and nothing else. I bet the cashier who packed our order was so confused.
It was a really fun night and I’m glad we decided to do this!
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